- ADS下的LPC2124的经典仿真例程!在UC/OS II环境下,带有PROTEUS仿真图,基本完成了LCD,KEYBOARD,SPI,I2C,UART,EINT,ADC等所有功能,是非常不错的学习ARM7上UC/OS移植的例程!
- s3c2410 ads下的测试程序移植到 iar ewarm v5.2;包括 Please select function : 0 : Please input 1-14 to select test 1 : Real time clock display 2 : 4 key array test 3 : Buzzer test 4 : ADC test 5 : IIC EEPROM test 6 : Touchpanel test 7 : 3.5# TFT LCD 240*320 test 8
- uCosII2.86在STM32F10BLK1开发板上的移植例程,已完成Flash、LCD、SD、ADC驱动部分的开发,内含完整的BSP-uCosII2.86 board in the development of transplant STM32F10BLK1 routines have been completed Flash, LCD, SD, ADC-driven part of the development, the BSP includes a complete
- LPC2148驱动ADC ----- A/D模数转换 这个工作区 每个工程包含3个配置选项 ISP_iFlash_Hex - 生成.Hex格式的目标文件 JLINK_iflash - 通过JLINK来烧写内部Flash的配置 JLINIX_iram - 通过JLINK来在内部RAM中调试 工程名: LCD ----- LCD(包含了中断) MMC ----- MMC卡读写 Uart ----- 串口通讯 USBMouse ----- USB
- 基于S3C2440的开发,移植有UCOS,带液晶显示3.5寸液晶,实时时钟和ADC采样,led显示等。-Based on the development of S3C2440 UCOS, belt, transplanted with 3.5 inch LCD LCD display, real-time clock and ADC sampling, the led display.
- 基于arm的ucosii的开发系统,含源代码和相应的仿真文件(proteus)。该系统包括基本的菜单、液晶、串口、I2C、SPI、ADC等-Based on the arm of ucosii development system, including source code and the corresponding simulation file (proteus). The system includes the basic menu, LCD, serial, I2C, SPI, ADC