- UCOS/II for ICCAVR - The version of UCOS/II is 2.04 - the original port was done by Ole Saether for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard ported one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did another port (using Jens port as a start?). This
- 这是我根据官网上的资料,把UCOS-II移植到AT32UC3B0256开发板上,经过验证,能成功运行,您直接调用就可以了,开发工具GCC+AVR32 Studio-This is my official web based information, to migrate to AT32UC3B0256 UCOS-II development board, a proven, successful run, you can call directly, and development tools,
- ucosII在freescale MC9S08DZ60上的移植,开发环境是CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.3。该文档包含了一个完整的工程-ucosII on freescale MC9S08DZ60. The development environment is CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.3. The document contains
- 此版為 Micrium 官方版本,版本為 v2.80 的 uC/OS-II,支持 Windows XP 的 Visual Studio 2003 (VS2003) 及 Visual Studio 6 (VC6.0),官方將 uC/OS-II 移植到 Win-32 模式下模擬,方便使用者學習與調式,程序撰寫與官方一致的規範,內有 AppNote 文件可證實此版本系出於官方,是一個很優秀的學習範例。-This version is the official version of Micrium, v