- 基于44B0的uCOS程序,包括Led显示等周期闪烁,按键输入,定时中断,打印log,初学者可用此入门-44B0 for uCOS procedures, including Led blinking cycle display, keypad input, timer interrupt, Print log, the portal available to beginners
- UCOS/II for ICCAVR - The version of UCOS/II is 2.04 - the original port was done by Ole Saether for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard ported one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did another port (using Jens port as a start?). This
- UCOS工程,采用keil开发工具开发,程序中基于stm32v100处理器. 在uC/OS-II中建立3个任务Taskled、Tasktep、Taskadc和三个中断。 Taskled初始化时,LED 依次点亮,当按下 Key 键时产生中断。 中断服务子程序内容:灯全部熄灭,2 秒钟后发光二极管全部点亮,再过 1 秒钟后中断返回。 Tasktep用来实时检测温度传感器u4的温度。STM32通过IIC接口获取温度传感器的温度。 Task
- 在STM32F103上实现双定时器1S定时,利用RS232串口发送数据,利用中断检测PS2键盘和PC机交换信息并在串口助手上显示-In the STM32F103 dual timer 1 S timing, using RS232 serial send data, using interrupt the PS2 and PC keyboard detection to exchange information and serial port on display in assistant
- uc/osii的c8051f移植的关键代码,我自己加入了串口与与一个定时器的移植汇编代码,对其他中断应用会有帮助 已通过测试。 -the key code of the uc/osii, c8051f transplantation, I joined the serial port and a timer transplant assembly code would be helpful to other interrupt application has been tested.
- uCOS在44b0芯片下的移植工程,该工程支持中断嵌套,在工程中笔者实现了44b0的看门狗功能,以及实现了用户定时器和消息模块,值得学习和参考。-uCOS transplanted under the 44b0-chip project, the project supports interrupt nesting in the project I realized 44b0 of the watchdog function, and the realization of the user ti
- 完整的at91sam7s64 中的timer 0.1.2三个定时器的操作,初始化,中断服务函数。用在ucosii中。-Complete at91sam7s64 the timer 0.1.2 three timer operation, initialization, interrupt service function. Used in ucosii in.
- 可以实现PS2键盘 定时中断 UART串口通信-PS2 keyboard can be achieved timer interrupt UART serial communication
- uCOS试验箱下编写的俄罗斯方块程序,用到LCD、键盘、定时器、中断知识,结果比较完美 -uCOS chamber prepared with the Tetris program using the LCD, keyboard, timer, interrupt knowledge
- 1.板上的8 个按键分别 代表数字1-8,按下一个按键将结果通过串口发送到PC机上显示; 2.使用两个定时器模块,分别定时为1ms 和100ms 产生中断,使用它们分别 产生1s的定时时间,将时间分别显示到数码管上; 3.外接PS/2小键盘,将按键的值通过串口显示到PC机上。-A panel of eight key representing the number 1-8 press a key the results sent through the serial port on
- 压缩包中有基于ucos系统下的常用程序,有tim捕获,串口查询,串口中断,定时器中断,温度读取。-Compressed package based on common procedures under ucos system, there are tim capture, serial query, the serial port interrupt, timer interrupt, temperature reading.