- FIR滤波器:自定滤波器的类型(低通,高通或带通)、设计指标(通带截止频率、通带波纹、阻带截止频率、阻带衰减) 1、根据指标选择合适的窗函数,用窗口设计法设计符合指标的FIR滤波器;并验证其性能是否满足预定指标。 -FIR filters: Custom filter types (low pass, high pass or band-pass), design specifications (passband cutoff frequency, passband ripple, st
- Testbench 不仅要产生激励也就是输入,还要验证响应也就是输出。当然也可以只产生 激励,然后通过波形窗口通过人工的方法去验证波形,这种方法只能适用于小规模的设计-The Testbench not only to generate incentives to input, verify that the response is output. Of course, can only produce Incentive, and then the waveform by the wa
- 创建一个实时的视频处理器采用了FPGA技术的系统设计与VHDL。在这个项目中,我们实现滑动窗口滤波器,Sobel算子,一系列传感器和数字显示器VGA模块。-create a real-time video processor using FPGA technology in the course System Design with VHDL. In the project we implement modules for sliding window, sobel lter, a ran