- Spartan 3 Digilent Demo:This demo drives the perphrials on the Spartan 3 board. This drives a simple pattern to the VGA port, connects the switches to the LEDs, buttons to each anode of the seven segment decoder. The seven segment decoder has a simpl
- 模拟网络串行通信 近期对计算机间通信比较感兴趣,同时研究usb通信原理,起步为串行通信于是想为更好地理解其机理做一定基础性研究,故做了异步串行通信设计实验。 经过QUARTUS验证,获得了一等奖!-Simulation of the recent serial communication network between the communication of more interested in computers, communications usb at the same time
- 以前做的EDA课程设计,CLOCK,可设置时间的,6位数码管显示-Done before the EDA curriculum design, CLOCK, may set the time, digital tube display 6
- design and implementation of a format conversion system on the Altera NIOS board(QUARTUS) which reads an analogue input, converts it into digital data, and then does the reverse conversion back into analogue format. This will be done by taking an ana
- 利用VHDL语言设计的两位加减法器,设计采用BLOCK并行设计可以同时进行加法与减法运算-VHDL language design using addition and subtraction of two instruments used, designed using BLOCK parallel design can be done concurrently addition and subtraction
- 该例子是基于sopc的IIC总线设计完整设计,分为硬件和软件部分,软件部分是用c语言编写的。该项目是个以完成的项目,据有较高的参考和经济价值。该例子是原来做过的项目。 整个项目是在Quartus II 7.0和nios IDE环境下开发。-This example is based on the IIC bus design sopc complete design, divided into hardware and software, the software part is writt
- all ok...4 Dec 2009 ... In this method the 2-Dimensional DCT is obtained by taking two ... column-wise 1D DCT is ascertained which gives the 2D DCT of the data. ... The design is done in Verilog HDL and the simulation is done in Modelsim 6.3b.
- 伴随着集成电路(IC)技术的发展,EDA技术已经成为现代电子设计的发展趋势,并在各大公司、企事业单位和科研教学部门广泛使用。VHDL是一种全方位的硬件描述语言,几乎覆盖了以往各种硬件描述语言的功能,整个自顶向下或自底向上的电路设计过程都可以用VHDL来完成。本文阐述了EDA的概念和发展、VHDL语言的优点和语法结构并分析讲解了智能抢答器的各模块的功能要求、基本原理以及实现方法。本系统的设计就是采用VHDL硬件描述语言编程,基于Quartus II平台进行编译和仿真来实现的,其采用的模块化、逐步细
- Hamming codes are a class of binary linear codes. They can detect up to two simultaneous bit errors, and correct single-bit errors. In particular, a single-error-correcting and double error detecting variant commonly referred to SECDED.-a) Develop a
- 介绍了一种64位子字并行乘法器的设计。根据不同的操作模式可以完成普通模式操作即64bit*64bit乘法操作,又可完成子字并行操作模式,即4个16bit*16bit乘法操作。-Introduced a 64-seat word parallel multiplier design. Depending on the operating mode Normal mode operation can be done that 64bit* 64bit multiplication operation
- 串并转换建模 数据流串并转换的实现方法多种多样,根据数据的排序和数量的要求,可以选用移位寄存器、RAM等来实现。对于数据量比较小的设计来说,可以使用移位寄存器完成串并转换;对于排列顺序有规定的串并转换,可以用case语句判断实现;对于复杂的串并转换,还可以用状态机实现-Modeling serial data stream and convert the realization of string and convert many ways, sort and quantity of the
- 基于博创实验箱UP-CUP-FPGA2C35-Ⅱ和Verilog HDL硬件描述语言,分为按键输入模块、LED指示灯模块及LCD显示模块,采用按键BTN1、BTN2作为输入端输入四位密码与事先设定的密码进行匹配,由D1、D2、D3、D4四盏LED灯来指示输入密码的位数。开机时,LCD显示“HELLO! WELCOME!Enter the code:当”,密码输入正确时,LED灯D7亮,同时在实验箱LCD显示屏上显示字符串“Good! Well done!you are right!!!”,当密码
- “CPLDFPGA常用模块与综合系统设计与实例精讲”这本书的工程,均是采用VHDL语言来完成-" CPLDFPGA common modules and integrated system design and examples of Jingjiang," this book works are done using VHDL language
- 抢答器,通过FPGA实现了各种功能,课程设计所做,因为代码简单,没有分模块,一个程序写完了。-Responder, through the FPGA to achieve a variety of functions, curriculum design done, because the code is simple, there is no sub-module, a program finished.
- 数字钟,通过FPGA实现了各种功能,课程设计所做,因为代码简单,没有分模块,一个程序写完了。-Responder, through the FPGA to achieve a variety of functions, curriculum design done, because the code is simple, there is no sub-module, a program finished.
- This design contains hardware and software that allows you to test various components on the board, including the LEDs, 7-segment displays, SRAM, SDRAM, Flash, and the VGA port. All of this is done via a software interface running on your computer. T
- Category: Arithmetic core Language: Verilog Development status: Mature Additional info: Design done, Specification done WishBone Compliant: No
- 本设计是以四路抢答为基本概念。从实际应用出发,利用电子设计自动化( EDA)技术,用可编程逻辑器件设计具有扩充功能的抢答器。它以Verilog HDL硬件描述语言作为平台,结合动手实验而完成的-The design is based on four basic concepts answer. From the practical application, the use of electronic design automation (EDA) technology, using a prog
- Details Name: i2s Created: Mar 22, 2004 Updated: Jan 10, 2014 SVN Updated: Mar 10, 2009 SVN: Browse Latest version: download Statistics: View Other project properties Category: Communication controller Language: VHDL De
- A highly configurable 1st quadrant CORDIC core in verilog-Details Name: verilog_cordic_core Created: Sep 14, 2008 Updated: Aug 12, 2011 SVN Updated: Mar 10, 2009 SVN: Browse Latest version: download Statistics: View Other projec