Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are emerging in many areas of high performance computing, either as tailor made signal processor, embedded algorithm implementation, systolic array, software accelerator or application specific architecture. FPG
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are emerging in many areas of high performance computing, either as tailor made signal processor, embedded algorithm implementation, systolic array, software accelerator or application specific architecture. FPG
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are emerging in many areas of high performance computing, either as tailor made signal processor, embedded algorithm implementation, systolic array, software accelerator or application specific architecture. FPG
本文围绕一个包含Nios II软核处理器的可编程片上系统展开数码相机的样机设计。论文首先对样机所要达到的整体功能进行了规划,接下来并行开展了软硬件设计。在硬件方面,充分利用了所使用平台提供的SD卡插槽、键盘、数码管、SRAM等各种硬件资源,并用Verilog HDL硬件描述语言设计了样机系统所需要的VGA接口控制器、CMOS图像传感器接口控制器以及VGA显示存储器;在软件方面,本文基于Nios II软核处理器用C语言实现了SD卡的驱动、FAT文件系统的移植、VGA显视器的驱动以及BMP图片文件的