- crc_table.c is for reset seed( 0000 ) crc_table_1.c is for reset seed( ffff) CRC16_D8_m.v is a verilog module of byte paralle crc. CRC16_D8_m_tb.v is the testbench file of above module.
- 此程序实现计时秒表功能,时钟显示范围00.00~99.99秒,分辨度:0.01秒 采用PIC16F877单片机,6位数码管显示 开发平台:MPLAB IDE v8.30 类型:工程文件(内有C源码),已验证通过-This program achieved stopwatch function, clock display range 00.00 to 99.99 seconds Resolution: 0.01 seconds using PIC16F877 microcontro
- lcd实验的.c源文件,经验证,已经完全正确了。-lcd experiment. c source file, experience certificate, has been completely correct.
- 用C写的mif文件正弦波数据文件,很好用的数据哦-Written by C sine wave data file mif file
- Can use VHDL This source file may be used and distributed without //// --// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// --// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// --// the original copyright notice
- CPU86 - Free VHDL CPU8088 IP core Copyright (C) 2005-2010 HT-LAB Quick run: 1) Open a DOSBox/Cygwin shell 2) Navigate to the web_cpu88/Modelsim directory. 3) Execute run.bat See website for more details. The CPU86 cor
- 这是一个perl程序 只需要在cmd中运行,参数为你的Verilog名字 功能是:半自动生成Verilog的testbench,提高编码效率-#-----READ ME of verilog_tb_generate.pl----------------------| # | #-----copyright(C) Xzmeng 2010---------------
- /* * Yet Another Dynamic Memory Controller * Copyright (C) 2008 Sebastien Bourdeauducq - http://lekernel.net * This file is part of Milkymist. * * Milkymist is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms
- /****************************************************************************** * * File Name: sdrm.v * Version: 1.14 * Date: Sept 9, 1999 * Descr iption: Top level module * Dependencies: sdrm_t, sys_int * * Company: Xilinx * *
- psk解调的定点仿真模型。另外DEC2HEX.C负责将十进制的数据文件转换为十六进制的数据文件,因为MATLAB输出数据格式为十进制,而NC-VERILOG能够读取的数据格式为十六进制,所以需要转换。-psk demodulation of the fixed-point simulation models. In addition DEC2HEX.C responsible for the data file is converted to decimal hex data file, as
- electronic lock by C language and simulation file by proteus software. in this project by using a keypad and alphabetic lcd 2*16 which are attached to a 8051 micro controller, an electronik lock is implemented. first of all read the help file.
- It is jpeg_decoder program. Source code are C and Verilog HDL.File .c reads data from jpeg and convert it to binary bit stream.Decoder is by verilog file
- 模拟页式虚拟存储管理中硬件的地址转换和用先进先出调度算法处理缺页中断.虽然是文档文件,其源代码可以直接拷贝至C++运行,并且文档最后给出相应执行结果。-Simulation of the hardware address translation page of virtual storage management and FIFO scheduling algorithm for processing a page fault, although it is a document file an
- 本文围绕一个包含Nios II软核处理器的可编程片上系统展开数码相机的样机设计。论文首先对样机所要达到的整体功能进行了规划,接下来并行开展了软硬件设计。在硬件方面,充分利用了所使用平台提供的SD卡插槽、键盘、数码管、SRAM等各种硬件资源,并用Verilog HDL硬件描述语言设计了样机系统所需要的VGA接口控制器、CMOS图像传感器接口控制器以及VGA显示存储器;在软件方面,本文基于Nios II软核处理器用C语言实现了SD卡的驱动、FAT文件系统的移植、VGA显视器的驱动以及BMP图片文件的
- USB 驱动需要用到的源文件 (.h .c 文件)-USB drivers need to use the source file (. H c file)
- FPGA rom硬件语言文件 用于输出正弦序列数字信号--- megafunction wizard: ROM: 1-PORT -- GENERATION: STANDARD -- VERSION: WM1.0 -- MODULE: altsyncram -- ============================================================ -- File Name: drom.vhd -- Megafunction Na
- Creat the C code to a hex file for arc4 cpu
- 基于FPGA的串口通信源代码。已经经过调试助手测试,-Release 13.2- WebTalk (O.61xd) Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Project Information -------------------- ProjectID=BFC2DD71D6FA404A87FDA640DB4B5999 ProjectIteration=14 WebTalk Sum
- System C 2.2.0 developers file
- 基于5-1单片机环境噪声测量仪的设计,包含主程序、中断服务程序、显示程序、(Based on 51 single-chip environmental noise detector proteus simulation file containing a set of project files noise.dsn Keil main code main.c 6 relevant articles and graduation thesis design through simulation)