- A low-pass filter is a filter that passes low-frequency signals but attenuates (reduces the amplitude of) signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency. The actual amount of attenuation for each frequency varies from filter to filter. It
- 一段FPGA的分频代码,可以完成FPGA中高频分成低频的功能-a section of code about division of frequency which can cut high frequency to low frequency
- fir 滤波器的程序文件和测试文件,仿真数据和matlab仿真数据进行过比对,matlab采用fdatool生成的低通滤波器,采样率为24兆,通带2.5M,截止频率为5M(FIR filter program files and test files, simulation data and MATLAB simulation data have been compared, Matlab using FDATool generated low-pass filter, sampling rat