- Triscend supports the use of the Model Technology ModelSim logic simulator for VHDL simulation of designs implemented in the Configurable System Logic (CSL) portion of a Triscend device.
- 这是一个基于可编程逻辑器件的程序,用来实现自动转换量程频率计控制器,该程序在可以再仿真器上仿真实现-This is a programmable logic device based on the procedures used to automatically convert the frequency range of the controller, the program can be in the simulation simulator
- 英国诺森比亚大学的vhdl语言例程集锦,英文原版。 包含很多优秀的VHDL语言范例,可供学习。所有程序均可在符合IEEE标准的模拟器上模拟。-This file contains a selection of VHDL source files which serve to illustrate the diversity and power of the language when used to describe various types of hardware. The exampl
- 此文件包含一个VHDL源文件,这足以说明语言的多样性和电源时用来描述不同类型的硬件选择。例子从简单的组合逻辑描述,如一个微处理器和内存相关的行为模式,更复杂的系统。所有的例子可以使用任何符合IEEE VHDL仿真和许多可以模拟 合成使用目前的综合工具。 -This file contains a selection of VHDL source files which serve to illustrate the diversity and power of the language