- PCIE_V5是一个完整的VC工程,用于xilinx Virtex5 FPGA的PCIe板卡下DMA数据读取,只能在Win xp下运行,板卡的驱动程序需要安装WinDriver-PCIE_V5 is a VC++ project, which is used to ingress massive data from PCIe board based on Virtex5 FPGA through DMA interface. Install Windriver to offer the boar
- 这是项目总的文件夹,包括原理图,PCB,上位机VC程序,驱动程序,下位机FPGA程序,可做为开发板,LVDS采集开发板,前面上传的5个位五个测试程序,已经验证其正确性,需要的可以参考。-This is the total project folder files, including schematics, PCB, PC VC, the driver, the next crew FPGA program can be used as the development board, LVDS c