- Datasheet for MCU MK7A11BP, is an 8 bit RISC high performance microcontroller. It is equipped with 1Kx14bits OTP(One Time Programmable) ROM, 32 Bytes RAM, Timer/Counter, Interrupt, LVR(Low Voltage Reset)and I/O ports in a single chip.
- 利用AT89S51单片机的T0、T1的定时计数器功能,来完成对输入的信号进行频率计数,计数的频率结果通过8位动态数码管显示出来。要求能够对0-250KHZ的信号频率进行准确计数,计数误差不超过±1HZ。-AT89S51 MCU using T0, T1 of the timer counter functions, to complete the input signal frequency count, counting the frequency of results by 8-bit dy
- 利用AT89S51单片机的T0、T1的定时计数器功能,来完成对输入的信号进行频率计数,计数的频率结果通过8位动态数码管显示出来。要求能够对0-250KHZ的信号频率进行准确计数,计数误差不超过±1HZ。-AT89S51 MCU using T0, T1 of the timer counter functions, to complete the input signal frequency count, counting the frequency of results by 8-bit dy
- 在实验箱上设计并实现一个带闹钟的日历钟,要求至少用到端口功能、按键中断功能、外部中断功能、LCD功能、8位定时器/事件计数器5的定时功能、实时计数器的日历和时钟功能。-Experimental tank design and a calendar with alarm clock, requires at least use the port function key interrupt function, the external interrupt function, LCD functi
- Code Kit Nuvoton NUC140. Support 4 sets of 32-bit timers with 24-bit up-timer and one 8-bit pre-scale counter. Independent clock source for each timer