- 嵌入式串口转以太网控制器,以下简称S2E21,是一款具有高效性能并集成了ARM Cortex-M3微处理器的串行至以太网控制器。该控制器的核心是高度集成的32位Stellaris LM3S6432 ARM Cortex-M3微处理器,具有50MHz性能和96K快速单周期片上闪存及32K SARAM内存,可高效处理网络流量。Stellaris系列微处理器采用LQFP-100 封装,并集成了片上10/100MB以太网MAC和PHY,从而能够最大限度的节省空间。-Embedded Serial to
- The Crumb664-Net ethernet interface is based on Silcon Laboratories CP2201 10Mbit ethernet controller with integrated phy. Additionally the ethernet transformer is already integrated on Crumb644-Net, hence no high-cost RJ45 jack with integrated trans
- 以太网编程,PHY芯片DM9000的电路图和PCB封装及外围电路图,以及PCB制版。自己自作成功,很好用。-The DM9000 is a fully integrated and cost-effective, single chip fast Ethernet MAC controller. It has a general interface, an adaptive 10\/100M PHY and 4K DWORD SRAM.
- 53262 datasheet。 53262 datasheet。 53262 datasheet。 53262 datasheet。 -The BCM53262M is a ninth-generation RoboSwitch™ design based on the field-proven BCM5324 device. This integrated 0.13μ-CMOS device combines all the functions of a h