JLINK S3C2410 J-Nand2410 Source
- 之前我上传了JLINK烧写NAND FLASH的工具,现把其源代码也放上来,欢迎测试及修改
- j-link v6/v7的反汇编原码,支持IAR的EWARM环境,可编译处可用固件,j-link v6/v7 anti-compiled the original code, IAR s EWARM support environment can be used to compile Department firmware
- 这是Jlink部分源代码。低调。。。严禁用于商业目的。-This is the Jlink part of the source code. Low-key. Is strictly prohibited for commercial purposes.
- 压缩包是使用JLink间接烧写s3c6410 nand_flash的源代码及可执行文件。由于s3c6410不像s3c2410那样有nor flash,可以方便的使用JTAG接口烧写引导程序。压缩包内的代码可以根据http://hi.baidu.com/__eabi/blog/item/5bfceaadf90eb39146106426.html帖子的说明,借助ADS1.2开发环境和JLINK,烧写二进制程序到开发板。 文件说明: sdram_init_s3c6410 | 、—
- 修改版的Urjtag用来连接Jlink使用,参考Urjtag的源代码修改-Urjtag is a universy jtag debug tools,a opensource project,so you can modify for your project.After modified you shuold compile with Cygwin for windows,This source tar resolve the error “can not connect to suitabl
- this sample is USB HID Mode LPC1768. USB HID In Sample Is Class Mode. Class mode is setup request mode. this sample full open source change every parameter