- A proyect of a temperature sensor (LM35) and LCD with microcontroller PIC16F877, schematic and simulation included in Proteus, Code in PI-A proyect of a temperature sensor (LM35) and LCD with microcontroller PIC16F877, schematic and simulation includ
- PID 的PI调节控制电流在指定的 电流值,PI效果很好,不需要微分,-The PI regulator PID control current at a specified current value, PI good results, not differential,
- Basic Steps (Detailed below) 1. Install NOOBS. 2. login with ssh. 3. Set the network to static IP Address. 4. Set the hostname to raspbian. 5. Update and upgrade your firmware and software. 6. Increase RAM memory allocation. 7. Insta
- 一个基于树莓派的Ultrasonic distance measurement and control device,含有电路图及源码-Based on a Ultrasonic distance measurement and PI control device, containing a circuit diagram and source code.
- 用python图书馆读取raspberry pi 上的DHT系列的湿度温度感受器(To show DHT series of humidity and temperature sensors on a Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black in python library.)