- 练习一I/O控制 练习目的:1.掌握单片机I/O口控制方法。2.掌握Keil与Proteus的使用方法。练习内容:参考例程,掌握Keil与Proteus的联调使用方法。画出电路,编写一段程序,用P1 口作为控制端口,使8个LED 轮流亮。画出电路,编写一段程序,用P1.0~P1.6 口控制LED,P1.7 控制LED 的亮和灭(P1.7 接按键,按下时LED 亮,不按时LED 灭。)-Exercise I/O control, practice the purpose of a master M
- It is a complete project of a four digit clock developed with Proteus and CCS compiler. In the project I used a PIC16F628 microcontroller, 4-digit 7 segments displays, two buttons and two leds. It is possible to set the current hour and alarm.
- 使用proteus基于C语言编写的8086模拟的实验,共7个,清单如下: 0.串口流水灯 1.串口IO口读写控制LED 2.8255开关控制LED 3.7位数码管显示 4.四乘四键盘输入 5.步进电机 6.AD数模转换-Up to 7 Proteus experiments base on 8086.With C code.