- RT-Thread RTOS,这是一款由国内RT-Thread工作室开发的开源实时操作系统。起初RT-Thread是一个实时的内核(全抢占优先级调度,调度器时间复杂度O(1)),但在发展过程中,RT-Thread实时操作系统得到了来自全国嵌入式开发工程师的鼎力支持,为RT-Thread添砖加瓦,现在它已慢慢变成一个完善的、全功能的操作系统:文件系统,网络协议栈,图形界面组件。。。只有您想不到,没有您做不到:RT-Thread是一个平台,您可以把您的创意汇聚在一起,小平台大社区,RT-Thread
- assembly program for AVR128 The interrupt service routine is excuted by a external switch. Using AVR Studio 4
- This is a assembly code for AVR128 on AVR Studio 4. This code is mixing of C and asm.
- Bootloaders for the Atmel AVR series-This bootloader is written to emulate Atmel s well-known STK500 AVR development board. The STK500 uses a block transfer protocol to quickly program AVR processors using a standard serial port connection and ordina
- AT45DB081D为1M Bytes的EEPROM空間 提共C语言涵数代码,在AVR STUDIO编译器上编译通过 使用atxmegal128A1单片机,SPI控制接口。 -AT45DB081D to 1M Bytes of EEPROM space to mention a total number of C-han code, the compiler in the AVR STUDIO compiled through the use of atxmegal128A1
- It is a Sample code to drive an Ov7670 camera with an avr MCU.Compiler is AVR Studio .
- AVR studio 教程,包括如何安装.创建一个新的项目.调试代码等。-AVR studio tutorial, including how to install. To create a new project. Debug code.
- ecom串口助手是一款带CRC计算的串口(RS232)调试软件。由我爱IC导航网工作室开发(http://www.52ic.net/)。 ecom串口助手支持常用的110 ~ 921600bps波特率,能设置校验、数据位和停止位,能以ASCII码或十六进制接收或发 送任何数据或字符(包括中文),能发送任意大小的文本文件,可以任意设定自动发送周期,并能将接收数据保存成 文本文件。带有文件或数据串的ModebusCRC16校验、CRC16校验、累加和校验、异或校验,ModebusLRC
- AVR Studio 5中文手册,AVR Studio 5 是atmel推出的新的编程境,使用4.0的用户可能不太适应,通过一段时间的摸索,本人将主要过程进行一下小结,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用。 -AVR Studio five Chinese manuals, AVR Studio 5 is the launch of the new programming atmel environment, use 4.0 users may not too orientation, through a p
- AVR Atmega16 ADC Test with header files created for a ADC in Atmega Library for AVR Studio 5.0
- A sample AD7710 driver for testing on Code composer studio. Hopefully it works.
- 这个软件是宏晶公司的单片机烧写工具,但是非常强大,它不仅可以烧写我们工作室出品的驱动板和常见的单片机,同时还具有串口助手功能,可以很方便地接收来自WIFI板(路由)的串口打印信息,也可以通过它发送数据给上位机,是通信调试的必不可少软件-This software the macrocrystalline microcontroller programming tools, but very powerful, it not only to our Studio driver board can
- Source Notes for PICkit(R) 2 Microcontroller Programmer PK2CMD Command Line Interface v1.20 Contains Device File V1.55.00 as pk2cmd\release\PK2DeviceFile.dat This source project can be opened and modified in Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Expr
- led blinking of msp430 g 2553 microcontroler, a ultralow power in code composer studio
- This an embedded systems application program written in C using Atmel Studio 6 for an ATmega32 mcu to scroll engineering courses offered at university of Namibia on a 16x2 LCD screen. The courses runs across the screen in a continuous loop. It is sim
- Well, this is a Visual Studio program which monitors temperatures Arduinoin background!-Well, this is a Visual Studio program which monitors temperatures Arduinoin background!
- Well...these are 2 samples of using background worker! A very clear one is that one which shows a bar loading as well as the procentage in background!It is addressed to those who need a better insight of how backgroundworker works in visual studio!
- 这是一个avrdude GUI界面程序。使用MFC用c++编写,visual studio 2002中编译,静态链接。程序使用GPL v3许可证。可以在此基础上按照自己的意愿写相应的AVR开发上位机软件-a GUI Interface for the popular avrdude program. Written in C++ using MFC, compiled with visual studio 2002, statically linked. This program is dist
- 基于CH451的键盘扫描程序设计采用AVR单片机ATmega16进行读取CH451的接收到的按键值,CH451可以实现8*8矩阵键盘输入,且带有中断提醒,接收到的按键值在12864液晶上显示。程序中采用的是2*3矩阵。系统采用AVR Studio+WinAVR构成的AVR GCC编译环境。-CH451 based keyboard scanner design uses AVR microcontroller ATmega16 reads received the key value CH451