- simulation of wireless sensor network using aodv protocol, 81 sensor nodes, 2 access point and scenario of 100 x 1-simulation of wireless sensor network using aodv protocol, 81 sensor nodes, 2 access point and scenario of 100 x 100
- simulation of wireless sensor network using aodv protocol, 36 sensor nodes, 1 access point and scenario of 100 x 1-simulation of wireless sensor network using aodv protocol, 36 sensor nodes, 1 access point and scenario of 100 x 100
- 基于WSN的应用程序,使用的操作系统是TinyOS,完成的主要功能是感知节点对温湿度传感器信息的获取,通过无线发送到Sink节点,使用的MCU是Atmega1281,射频芯片是AT86RF230-WSN-based applications, the operating system is TinyOS, completed main function is to sense temperature and humidity sensor node access to information,
- 常用的近距离无线传输有很多种方式: 1)CC1100/NRF905 433MHz 无线收发模块; 2)NRF2401 2.4GHz 无线收发模块; 3)蓝牙模块; 4)Zigbee 系列无线模块; 以上1/2/3模块,一个大概要几十块钱,一套加起来要一百多块,4就更贵了,单个就要上百块钱 而常用的315M遥控模块就便宜很多了,收发一套淘宝上才卖8块钱。这种模块用途极其广泛,例如遥控开关/汽车/门禁/防盗等,大部分是配合2262/2272编解码芯片实现开关的
- 利用电力线载波传输采集到的模拟量数据,集中后通过无线模块传输到数据库-collect the AD data by PLC carrier, access sql server by wireless communication