Wireless controlled lightdimmer.The meaning from this design is to build it in -i.e. a shaded lamp- and to switch this lamp on and off the normal way, just like it was switched before the dimmer was build in, then you could by exception dimming the l
大多数用电器的开关都是手动控制的,在使用过程中存在着诸多的不便。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了一个多功能遥控器的设计方案。其可以通过自学习而拥有对多台用电器的遥控功能,省时省力,从而使人们免除为了控制用电器而东跑西转的烦恼。本文采用单片机AT89S51为核心,外加调频收发电路、继电器的驱动等电路组成,实现无线多路遥控开关的设计功能。-Most use of electrical switches are manually controlled, in the course there are ma
(3)小车附加功能2:要求接收设备能够及时灵敏的接收实时温度值,通过数码管显示,并具有数据初步分析、报警等功能;-This issue introduces obstacle avoidance automatically, and can realize temperature remote measure
将无线遥控方法与密码技术相结合,在保证原有密码锁系统性能的基础上研发新型的无线遥控密码锁系统来克服固定键盘式的密码锁的不足-Wireless remote password combination in the guarantee the original password lock system performance based on research and development of new wireless remote password lock system to overcom