- ATmega2560通过USB接口与PC进行传输,供电电压为5V,内部晶振为16MHz。该芯片共有有54个I/O引脚,特别适用于需要大量I/O口电路,其中的16个可以提供脉宽调制(PWM)模拟输出,还有另外16个模拟输入引脚。在通信方面,有4个硬件串口,另外也可以支持SPI通信和I2C/TWI设备。设计核心电路中加入复位按键,通过USB串口进行通信。-ATmega2560 through the USB interface with the PC for transmission, power
- Check the clock frequency & that the baud rate required can be achieved. Error of <1 is never a problem, <2 will work but is undesirable, 5 will not work. Note that this assumes that the other end of the link has perfect timing, which will norm
STC12C5A60S2 PL2303 KD014QQTBN001 W25R128FV
- 用全国产芯片自己“连线”写“汇编”做了个小系统加驱动。芯片:STC12C5A60S2 烧写:PL2303 显示:KD014QQTBN001 闪存:W25Q128FV。细节参见论坛:http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/392176853(A system uses only Hard wire and Assembly, organizes with all Chinese electronic products and their drivers: Chip: STC12C5A