- 站长!这是图像检索算法的两个核心程序。 加入自己的框架就可以了。-head! This is the image retrieval algorithm two core program. By adding their own framework on it.
vcpp32 《MFC技术内幕》
- 《MFC技术内幕》是一本久负盛名的MFC编程技术书籍,英文原版书名为:MFC Black Book,该书可以让你深入掌握Visual C++的核心开发技术——MFC框架。-" MFC Inside" is aprestigious MFC programming books, original English title is: MFC Black Book,the book allows you to thoroughly grasp the core of Visual
- c++写的车辆监控的程序,框架搭好了,核心代码也实现了。串口接收GPS数据,实时在图上显示-c++ to write the vehicle monitoring process, the framework and setting up the core code is implemented. Serial port to receive GPS data, real-time display in the map
- 在win32框架下使用opengl实现的三维画图板,只使用了gl核心库函数和glu实用库函数,绝对高效,经典-Use opengl in win32 implemented under the framework of three-dimensional drawing board, using only the core library functions gl and glu utility library functions, absolute efficiency, the classi
- 功能:对bmp格式的灰度图和彩色图片进行边缘检测,输出目标图片; 程序核心算法:利用模板矩阵与图像矩阵进行卷积达到边缘检测的效果; 文档说明:1.EdgeDetect.cpp(全部源文件),采用纯C/C++编程,不借助任何框架;2.边缘检测.pdf 算法原理pdf文档;3.sources 存放待处理图像;4.targets 存放目标图像。 使用方法:用常用C/C++ IDE(codeblocks,devc++,vc6.0, vs2008等)打开EdgeDetect.cpp源文件