- 基于红外图像的弱小目标检测与跟踪:计算图像的局域灰度概率矩阵,在图像上标出检测到的奇异点,标出最终检测到的小目标-Weak target detection and tracking based on infrared images: calculate the the local grayscale image probability matrix, detected singular points marked on the image, marked the final detected
- 介绍 了 基于二值图像的目标边界跟踪算法及其在红外成像型 G I F 中的应用,并将算法与利用微 分算子检测 目 标边缘的传统算法 进行 了比较, 通过仿真表明目 标跟踪算法较传统算法不仅能够准 确、 有序地检测出目标的整个边缘,实现图像信息的压缩,而且能够比较好的去除图像中的小块噪声。- T racing edge algo r i th m based o n b inary im age and its application in t h e IR im ag ing ty pe
- 进行红外小目标检测跟踪,效果一般 适用于双目摄像头跟踪发光小材料-Infrared small target detection tracking, the effect is general
- 2017年刚出的文献,红外小目标检测与跟踪,有兴趣的可以看看(Infrared dim-small target tracking via singular value decomposition and improved Kernelized correlation filter)
target detection and tracking
- 通过红外图像的弱小目标实现检测与跟踪功能,本程序是基于局域概率分布的小目标检测方法(The detection and tracking functions are realized by the weak and small target of the infrared image. This program is a small target detection method based on the local probability distribution.)