- 使用DX实现2D水面的代码,如果你要写关于水波的代码,可以参考,按“C”键创建水波。-use DX achieve 2D code surface, if you write the code on the water currents, they can refer to, "C" key to the creation wave.
- 按照D3D SDK下MultiAnimation那个例子提供的方法。基本上是用D3D对多人物运动动画的封装(C++)。 优点是多人物共享同一个蒙皮骨骼模型(包括贴图),减少内存消耗,但同一时间每个人的动作不会雷同。 其他做了的有碰撞地图,摄像机,字体,静态模型。反正都向简单化靠近,最后 希望做出的是和名字一样,是一个简单的多人物动画程序(Simple MutiAnimation)。 DX SDK 版本:07Aug。 (附了运行贴图和可执行文件(Debug版.exe),其他详情
- 基于D3D9的ChunkLod地形Demo,C++封装,有比较初级的四叉树场景管理,Frustum裁剪,天空盒和基本摄像机功能.适合DX进阶学习.-Based on D3D9 s ChunkLod terrain Demo, C++, a relatively junior quadtree scene management, Frustum clipping, sky boxes, and basic camera support,it s for DX advanced learning.
- 一个用VC++和DX开发的3D游戏场景演示Demo,比较完整,是不错的学习资料。-A game demo that developed in VC++ and C++.
- C++和DX上做的一个图形显示代码.三角形篇-C++ and DX do a graphical display of code. Triangular articles
- This is a fast non-iterative ellipse fit, and among fast non-iterative ellipse fits this is the most accurate and robust. It takes the xy-coordinates of data points, and returns the coefficients of the equation of the ellipse: ax^2 + bxy +
- DX3D编程必读书籍,对于想学习DX3D编程的朋友是一本入门级读物,只需要较少的C++语言基础和Windows编程即可以编写自己的3D程序了-DX3D programming reading books, who want to learn DX3D programming is an entry-level friends, reading, requires less basic C++ language and Windows programming that you can write
- 该程序用C#编程,能够画出直线,并能测出画直线的时间等等(注:在画直线的那设个断点,才能看到时间),切记,该程序很经典-The program in c# programming, can draw a straight line, and the time can measure the draw a line and so on (note: draw a line in the set breakpoints, can see time), remember, this program i
- This package contains an implementation of the Anisotropic Diffusion algorithm as described in: C. Tsiotsios, M. Petrou, On the choice of the parameters for anisotropic diffusion in image processing, Pattern Recognition (2012), http://dx.doi.org