- Implementation of subdivision: Implement the Catmull-Clark subdivision scheme. Your program should take a single argument on the command line, a mesh to subdivide.-Implementation of subdivision : Implement the Catmull-Clark subdivision sche me. You
- catmull-clark与butterfly的实现源代码。在VC6.0下及OPENGL中实现
- Doo-sabin与catmull-clark细分曲面源程序,对于Doo-sabin细分曲面,用户可以根据选项选择显示纹理图还是线条图,可以多次细分。catmull-clark为线条图;这两个程序是分开写的,在一个文件夹内。-Doo-sabin catmull-clark subdivision surfaces with the source code for the Doo-sabin subdivision surface, the user can choose depending on
- 作者:Henning Biermann 可以解析VRML文件,将数据分类存放在一个树结构中后在计算机上显示成三维图形,并应用Loop和Catmull—Clark的细分方法,对图形细分,使其更接近真实图形。-Author:Henning Biermann parse VRML file,restore the data in a tree and display them in the computor,subdivide the surface by Loop and Catmull-C
- Bspline曲线生成程序Catmull-Rom Spline, Lagrange, Natural Cubic Spline, and NURBS方法获得B样条曲线-Implementation of various mathematical curves that define themselves over a set of control points. The API is written in Java. The curves supported are: Bezier, B-Spl
- catmull-clark subdivision surface sampler
- 图像缩放,里面有各种插值算法,很全 OpenGL Nearest Interpolation OpenGL Linear Interpolation GLSL Bi-Linear GLSL Bi-Cubic Triangular Bell B Spline CatMull-Rom-Image scaling, there are a variety of interpolation algorithm, it is OpenGL Nearest Interpola
- 利用B spline和Catmull-rom spline实现物体的移动,旋转由四元数和欧拉角实现。 需要已配置opengl-using B Spline and catmull-rom spline implement the interpolation of object. Rotation are applied by Quaternion and Euler Angle. Please see the implementation video: https://www.youtu
- 设P(m,n)是初始控制点列,即原曲面的点(m行n列)。Q(m,n)是一次细分后得到的曲面的控制节点。 此函数采用Catmull-Clark细分曲面算法,对双三次B样条曲面细分,即m=n=4。 利用我们在13章第四节学过的知识,有公式MQM =SMPM S ,其中M,S可由课件知 构造初始控制点列(p1,p2),其中p1是P的行坐标,p2是P的列坐标 -Let P (m, n) is the initial control point of the column, i.e. th
- This software demonstrates algorithms for piecewise smooth subdivision surfaces described in the paper "Piecewise Smooth Subdivision Surfaces with Normal Control" by H. Biermann, A. Levin and D. Zorin. Two subdivision schemes, based on Loop and Catmu
- MATLAB编写的catmullclark细分曲面算法的实例-Examples of MATLAB prepared catmull clark subdivision surfaces algorithms
- BSpline 及各种曲线Implementation of various mathematical curves that define themselves over a set of control points. The API is written in Java. The curves supported are: Bezier, B-Spline, Cardinal Spline, Catmull-Rom Spline, Lagrange, Natural Cubic Splin