- 1、 MATLAB的启动和退出; 2、 学习了解MATLAB的菜单栏、工具栏、命令窗口、工作台、工具箱窗口、工作空间窗口、“历史命令”窗口、当前工作路径下的目录窗口和Start菜单; 3、熟悉MATLAB的命令窗口; 4、熟悉系统演示和在线帮助。 -1, the start of MATLAB and exit; 2, the study and understanding of MATLAB menu bar, toolbars, order window, workstati
- AffineTransformation computes and applies the geometric affine transformation to a 2-D image. The program main functions are: - Load Image: Load the image to be transformed. - Transform Image: Computes the transformation matrix from the transfo
- 制作一个曲面光照效果的演示界面,如图所示,三个弹出式菜单分别用于选择曲面形式、色彩图、光照模式和反射模式,三个滚动条用于确定光源的位置,一个按钮用于退出演示。-To make a demo interface surface lighting effects, as shown, three pop-up menu used to select the surface in the form, color map, the light mode and reflection mode, thre
- 基于matlab的GUI设计 主要实现图像读取 灰度化 二值化 存储图片 退出等-Based on matlab GUI design. The main achievement of image reading, graying, binarization, store pictures and exit, etc.
- 用matlab写的一个基于GUI的图像处理软件,可以实现裁剪、旋转、翻转、缩放、锐化、添加马赛克、模糊等操作,并含有打开、另存为、退出、撤销、还原等功能。软件课程设计时自己写的,可以直接运行,界面简洁友好。-Using matlab to write a GUI-based image processing software, which can achieve crop, rotate, flip, zoom, sharpen, add mosaic, fuzzy and other oper