- 这个是我在vc6下弄得vtk程序。程序很简单,不过很适合初学者研究。注意在vc下设定vtk得编译环境,除了田间vtk得lib等目录外,还要在工程->设定->link 选项卡, 在Object/library modules 中添加:vtkCommon.lib vtkFiltering.lib vtkGraphics.lib vtkHybrid.lib vtkImaging.lib vtkIO.lib vtkpng.lib vtkjpeg.lib vtkParallel.lib vtk
- MiTab是GIS领域国外一个读写Mapinfo Tab文件格式的C++开源类库. MITAB is an Open Source (i.e. Free!) C++ library to read and write MapInfo .TAB (binary) and .MIF/MID files-MiTab GIS is a field of foreign readers Mapinfo Tab file format open source category C library. Expo
- The code implements the optical flow algorithm described in Gautama, T. and Van Hulle, M.M. (2002). A Phase-based Approach to the Estimation of the Optical Flow Field Using Spatial Filtering,IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 13(5), 1127--1136. The al
- this application using to describe shapefile field using visual basic 6.0. i hope this example can help you to learn about GIS
- 在图像处理与模式识别领域,边缘图像的moments序列是进行图像分类的高效手段。 本程序提供了moments序列的计算代码,以及中心化正交化moments序列的代码,并提供有二三阶moment计算出旋转不变moments的代码。希望对各位有所帮助。-In the field of image processing and pattern recognition, the edge of the image sequence of moments is a highly effective m
- 马尔代夫随机场,对计算机视觉学习有很大的帮助,希望大家喜欢!-Markov Random Field Moding in Computer Vision, on the computer vision is very useful to learn, I hope you like!
- 动能拦截器方面的论文,我花钱买的几篇,很适合研究该领域方面的人士。-Kinetic Energy Interceptor in the papers, I have to spend money to buy a few, well suited to study the field of people.
- 我是一名清华大学计算机系的研究生,一直对图象处理、多媒体的东西非常着迷,选修过不少这方面的课程,做过许多有意思的实验。我常常有这样一种冲动:把我做过的这些东西拿出来与大家一起分享,把有关的原理、算法、程序介绍给大家。-I am a graduate of Tsinghua University Department of Computer Science, has been on image processing, multimedia stuff fascinated by it, quite
- matlab方面的图像处理方面的内容主要涉及图像分割等等的东西,欢迎点击查看哈,我是新手还不太懂-matlab is so difficult for me for the moment right now,i hate doing anything about it but i want to become a master in this field.
- This a image match VC++ code,which is a very suitble to the image processing field,I think it useful. -This is a image match VC++ code,which is a very suitble to the image processing field,I think it useful.
- 模糊c均值的源代码,自己调试过,可运行,希望对正在做聚类分类方面的你有帮助!欢迎下载-Fuzzy c mean source code, I have debugged it already ,can run ,I hope it useful to you if you are dealing with this field.welcome to download it!
- 自己编写的计算图像方向场的C代码,绝对可用,不骗人-Calculate the orientation of the image field of the C code I have written is absolutely available, do not lie
- sift算法在cv领域的重要性不言而喻,该作者的文章引用率在cv界是number1.本篇博客只是本人把sift算法知识点整理了下,以免忘记。本文比较早的一篇博文opencv源码解析之(3):特征点检查前言1 中有使用opencv自带的sift做了个简单的实验,而这次主要是利用Rob Hess的sift源码来做实验,其实现在的opencv版本中带的sift算法也是Rob Hess的,只是稍微包装了下。 下面来做下试验,试验sift代码采用Rob Hess的代码,opencv目前版本中的sift
- 本程序主要功能是模拟雪粒子的从天而降、雪粒子在降落过程中受风影响的飘落效果、雪粒子在船舶甲板表面积累的效果,其中算法包括粒子系统、boltzman三维风场算法、雪粒子表面积累算法等,本人亲自编写。-The main function of the program is simulated snow particles fall from the sky, falling snow particles in the landing process influenced by wind effect
- 自己编写的计算图像方向场的C代码,绝对可用,不骗人-Calculate the orientation of the image field of the C code I have written is absolutely available, do not lie
- 马尔可夫随机场的图像分割,本人整理的代码和论文-Markov random field image segmentation, I am finishing the code and papers
- 我个人对sift经典算法的一些小改进,主要运用在图像匹配领域,比经典算法匹配速度和准确度都有提升-I personally sift some small improvements classical algorithm, mainly used in the field of image matching, than the classic matching algorithm to improve both speed and accuracy
- 基于Shape Context的字符识别算法介绍 本算法提出了一种新的计算形状相似度的方法,并且把这种方法应用到目标识别领域中。 这中相似度衡量的方法主要经过以下几个步骤: (1)在两个形状上找到匹配的点对 (2)使用匹配的点对估计两个形状的形变程度。为了解决匹配点对的问题,本算法中引入了一个描述向量,即Shape Context,每一个点都有一个描述向量。Shape Context 以某个点为参考点,统计其他的点在他周围的分布特征,根据这个分布特征,就可以知道该点所处的全局
- 图像建模Markov随机场,希望对大家有帮助,呵呵,不错的-Image modeling Markov random field, I hope it can help you, ha ha, good
- 图像建模Markov随机场,希望对大家有帮助,呵呵,不错的(Image modeling Markov random field, I hope it can help you, ha ha, good)