- Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm, The IMC - PID is using the internal model control principle for PID parameters is calculated, Gabor wavelet transform and PCA face recognition code.
- The IMC - PID is using the internal model control principle for PID parameters is calculated, MinkowskiMethod algorithm, Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm.
- The IMC - PID is using the internal model control principle for PID parameters is calculated, About ultrasonic parking radar ranging, matlab implements five gray correlation degree computing model.
- The IMC - PID is using the internal model control principle for PID parameters is calculated, Use Chaos and fractal analysis routines, For feature reduction, feature fusion, correlation analysis.
- The IMC - PID is using the internal model control principle for PID parameters is calculated, Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance, The entire training process BP neural network.
- The IMC - PID is using the internal model control principle for PID parameters is calculated, Including stochastic gradient algorithm, the relative gradient algorithm, Graduation usefu.