- A matlab code to extract the region of interest in an image & then apply a binary mask on the image to see the extracted object in all the three channels.,A matlab code to extract the region of interest in an image & then apply a binary mask on the i
实现图像匀光 MASK(马斯克)和Wallis匀光算法
- 实现图像匀光,实现了MASK(马斯克)和Wallis匀光算法(附带参考文献)。-Image dodging, the MASK and Wallis dodging algorithm (with references).
- Unsharpen an image - used to sharpen an image. Sharpening emphasizes texture and detail, and is critical when post-processing most digital images. An unsharp mask cannot create additional detail, but it can greatly enhance the appearance of d
- 图像滤波和掩膜处理,MATLAB编程实现图像滤波和掩膜处理-Image filtering and mask processing, MATLAB programming mask image filtering and processing
- 可用于图像中皮肤的检测,得到掩码图像,在此基础上进行纹理检测-Can be used to image skin detection, be mask image, based on this texture to Detect
- opengl es 1.0 mask效果的添加与设置-opengl es 1.0 mask
- 图像变化检测算法,由t检验得到差分图像的变化掩膜。左后成功检测到图像中运动的物体。-Image change detection algorithms have been tested by the t change difference image mask. Left a successful campaign to detect objects in images.
- 程序可以选择输出二值图像。二值图像可以通过对每个梯度点取阈值得到,其中阈值T为输入参数。并且要求结合3*3掩模的平滑运算和本实验上面的原算,并对图像进行处理,分割出图像中间的大血管区域,并将结果用二值图表示。在实验中需要对平滑运算方法和阈值T进行反复调整。-Program can choose the output binary image. Binary image can be taken for each gradient point to the threshold should be,
- 兴趣区域选取,扩展兴趣区选取的功能,不必局限于圆形或方形轮廓落形态-Most ROI Drawing Tools limit you to either drawing a circular ROI or a rectangular ROI perpendicular to the X-Y axis. ROI Draw s primary purpose is to expand upon the drawing of rectangular ROI s by allowing you to d
- Function realized median filter with irregular mask by using Visual Studio, and OpenCV library. User can define mask by special matrix with unrestricted size N x M, which includes 0 and 1 values. Only 1 values determine which element of neighbor
- 方法引入低通掩膜算子在空域对降采样前的图像做滤波预处理,抑制欠采样噪声.系统...频谱混叠.实验证明,此算法基本能达到预滤波插值算法的处理效果.-Method of introduction of a low-pass mask operator in the airspace of the down-sampling the image before filtering to do pre-processing, noise suppression due to sampling. The s
- Mask to filter images is a file .rar that contains processing methods and image processing applied by the MATLAB tool.
- 图像编程FLASH右键屏蔽JS代码Right image mask JS FLASH programming code -Right image mask JS FLASH programming code
- 数字减影血管造影( DSA) 通过向血管中注入造影剂, 使血管的整体影像的对比度有了明显的增强, 然后通 过造影前后图像的相减运算, 可以去除非血管器官的影像, 得到血管更清晰的图像, 目前广泛应用于心血管疾病的 诊断。由于患者的呼吸运动, 使得不同时间采集的图像相减后会产生运动伪影。为了消除运动伪影, 从医生临床上 对于心脏的运动以胸腔的横膈膜为参考目标得到启发, 首先得到很多幅注入造影剂之前的图像( 掩膜图像) 和一幅 注入造影剂之后的图像( 造影图像) , 然后指定其中的一
- 掩膜。滤波,基于C的数字掩膜图像处理,可能对初学者有用-Mask. Filtering, based on the number of C mask image processing, may be useful for beginners
- 就如何从视频序列中分割出具有语义意义的运动对象 ,本文提出了一种自动的基于背景的运动对象分割算法 ,利用颜色、形状和灰度等特征对第一帧图像进行初步分割 ,然后根据帧间运动信息构造背景图像 ,最后以背景图像和帧差图像作为参考图像 ,对同一场景中的所有视频帧进行快速可靠的分割 。-On how to split out from the video sequences of moving objects with semantic meaning, this paper presents a con
- labview图像MASK范例,供初学者学习研究-C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\examples\Vision\2. Functions\Image Management
- mask 匀光处理代码,里面还有和wallis的处理对比!-mask uniform light processing code, there wallis processing comparison!
- 实现遮罩层,可使用在应用的引导、功能指导等-Realize the mask layer guide, guidance function
- 利用mask与Wallis算法实现影像匀光匀色(Using mask and Wallis algorithm to realize the uniform color of the image)