- 原生pascal代码实现的读写JPEG文件的组件。完整源码。 This software component contains a fully object oriented pascal implementation that allows to read and write Jpeg files. You can use this software to read and write Jpeg images from files or streams. It supports basel
- 该程序用Delphi7.0实现,中文名称:血液红细胞识别与统计系统,可以识别一幅图片中的血红细胞并统计出个数,准确率达到90%以上,该程序包含了用object pascal语言处理图像的一些基本常用技巧,值得一看
- A complete full 3D object pascal physics engine with full source code, which has a lot of features. Compilable with Delphi and Freepascal
- From: http://clootie.narod.ru/delphi/download_custom.html Sample demonstrate how to fill ID3DXMesh object from D3DX8 helper classes with your custom data and save final mesh to disk in either binary or text format. As user data face_data.pas was ta
- Imaging is native object pascal image loading, saving and manipulation library. It is available for several platforms and does not require any third party dynamic libraries or other compiled binaries. Main development language is object pascal
- FASTGEO 2D/3D Computational Geometry Algorithms Release Version 5.0.1 Author: Arash Partow 1997-2005 Copyright notice: Free use of the FastGEO computational geometry library is permitted under the guidelines and in accordance wit
- The code below is implementation of HOG (Histogram-of-Oriented Gradients) descr iptor and object detection, introduced by Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs. The computed feature vectors are compatible with the INRIA object Detection and Localization
- object detection performance, as measured on the canonical pascal VOC dataset, has plateaued in the last few years(The best-performing methods are complex ensemble systems that typically combine multiple low-level image features with high-level conte