- 这是能强大的开源的功GIS应用开发库Virtual Terrain Project(VTP)的源代码,相对于收费昂贵的Skyline,VTP在诸多方面更具吸引力。若需完整编译源代码请仔细参考http://www.vterrain.org/Download/;VTP官方网站http://www.vterrain.org/-Source code of Virtual Terrain Project software suite, which is an open-source, powerful
- VTK delaunay3D 实例 ,VTK库中的delaunay3D 来进行点云的三角化。-This example creates a tetrahedral mesh from unorganized points. The example uses the vtkDelaunay3D filter. The resulting mesh will be a solid convex hull of the original points. The example takes the po
- VTP代码,用于地形模拟的代码,现在网上很少有了,06年和网站上的邮件人多次沟通,才下载到开发包,十分珍贵- VTP code, the code used to simulate the terrain, and now the Internet has been very few, 06 years and the website of the e-mail communication, to download th
- VTP代码,用于地形模拟的代码,现在网上很少有了,06年和网站上的邮件人多次沟通,才下载到开发包,十分珍贵-VTP code, the code used to simulate the terrain, and now the Internet has been very few, 06 years and the website of the e-mail communication, to download the development package, very valuable