- 本程序计算局部窗口的累积直方图,可用于驱动水平集和纹理分割- in this test program, we calculate the cumulative histogram in a local window centered at each pixel,this local cumulative histogram can be used to drive the level set for image and texture segmentation.
- 在计算机科学与技术中,地球移动距离(EMD)是一种在D区域两个概率分布距离的度量,就是被熟知的Wasserstein度量标准。不正式的说,如果两个分布被看作在D区域上两种不同方式堆积一定数量的山堆,那么EMD就是把一堆变成另一堆所需要移动单位小块最小的距离之和。-In computer science, the earth mover s distance (EMD) is a measure of the distance between two probability distributio
- 图像分割源程序代码关于文章Local Histogram Based Segmentation Using the Wasserstein Distance-THE code of Local Histogram Based Segmentation Using the Wasserstein Distance
- 一种很好的边缘提取图像分割方法wasserstein,适用于医学图像,脑补图像等的边缘提取。-Out a good edge detection image segmentation method, suitable for medical image, imagine the image edge extraction.
- this is the first variational image segmentation algorithm that involves region-dependent multi-dimensional descr iptors based on the optimal transport theory. The distributions are represented owing to non-parametric kernel density estimators(In thi
- This article details a novel numerical scheme to approximate gradient flows for optimal transport metrics. These flows have proved useful to tackle theoretically and numerically(load induced by the resolution of each step Indeed this corresponds to