- We rigorously analyze the dispersion function and the curvature of the dispersion surface of a photonic crystal to explore the fundamental limit of its angular sensitivities. With insight gained from group theory, we fi nd that symmetry indu
- 用matlab来制作卫星绕地球做周期运动的动画,改变卫星的角速度的初值,可以画出圆形,椭圆形,逃逸轨迹。-Using matlab to produce satellites orbiting the earth to do periodic motion animation, change the initial angular velocity of the satellite, you can draw round, oval, escape trajectory.
- 用matlab写的一个模仿抛物线动作的动画。可以自己设定加速度、启示位置等数值。-The laws for rotation are probably wrong (I made them up actually), but that s not what this file is about. Shown here is a very simple code that creates a nice animation, which can be quickly edited to suit a
- 六自由度平台是各种飞行及航海等领域操作模拟器的重要组成部分,可由数字计算机实时控制提供俯仰、偏航、滚转、升降、纵向和横向平移的六自由度瞬时运动仿真。仿真的基础是建立不同类型载体的运动特性关系,即力→加速度→速度→位置、力矩→角加速度→角速度→姿态,另外还要计入多种影响因素,才能使运动仿真平台较真实地模拟实船的运动,在实验室中最大限度地对运动系统、预报软件等进行测试及完善。 近年来,为保证平台运动控制精度,人们开发并使用了很多种传感器,但尚无针对液压并联六自由度平台运动特性的专用测试设备,多借用
- 该程序能够实现小球的运动,且小球运动角速度可调,单击【开始】,小球开始运动。-The program is able to achieve a small movement of the ball and ball movement angular velocity is adjustable, click [Start], the ball starts to move.