- A matlab code to extract the region of interest in an image & then apply a binary mask on the image to see the extracted object in all the three channels.,A matlab code to extract the region of interest in an image & then apply a binary mask on the i
- The subject of this book is the detection and correction of errors in digital information. Such errors almost inevitably occur after the transmission, storage or processing of information in digital (mainly binary) form, because of noise and inte
- 把一个图像通道处理后二值化,并可创建滑动条控制阈值,便于后期处理。-After the processing of a binary image channels, and create a slider control threshold, easy post-processing.
- 一个基于布尔图的显著性检测模型这个模型利用了全局拓扑测度,这一拓扑测度已经被证明了有助于感知的图形-背景分割。如格式塔心理学研究表明,如下因素很可能会影响图形-背景分割:大小,surroundedness,convexity, symmtry。本文研究surroundedness cue在显著性检测中的应用。 surroundedness的本质是图形和背景之间的enclosure topological relationship,能够被很好地定义,并且对不同的变化具有不变性(不懂)。 为了衡量s