- 三维立体图制作 就是那种要盯点用力看的,在一片乱糟糟的小图组成的大图中,看出一个立体的图像 -three-dimensional map production is the one to stare hard to see the point in a mess of small component of the plan map, to see a three-dimensional image
- ACIS是一个开放的、采用C++语言构造的三维造型开发系统, 其特点是将线框、曲面和实体造型融于一体, 并可以将这三种表示共存于一个数据结构中。目前, ACIS 广泛的运用于CAD、AEC、自动化技术和船舶制造等技术领域。本组件是ACIS的核心组件,提供了核心基本实体和属性的支持、拓扑和几何实体类、数学处理类、文件的保存及其混饭、历史和回溯的函数。-ACIS is an open, using C language structure of the development of 3D model
- 包含了两个实例用法,使用office的组件,一个实例是c#源码,一个是c++源码,实例功能是识别图片中的文字-Contains two instances of usage, using the office component, an example is the c# source code, one is the c++ source code, example function is to identify text in the image
- 自己编写的提取RGB图像的包含256bin的一维直方图,首先把rgb图像转换为hsv图像,然后量化三个分量图像,最后提取一维直方图,可用于图像检索。-I have written extract contains RGB images 256bin one-dimensional histogram, first of all put rgb image is converted to hsv images, then quantified the three-component image,
- 自己编写的VC图像处理程序,绝对可执行。有详细代码。有缩写日期,可以看出本人是如何一本本走过来的。包括图像读写,阈值分割,彩色分量提取,变换等十套内容。-I have written VC image processing procedures, the absolute executable. Detailed code. There are the initials date, I can see how one of the books came. Including image read
- 对高光谱图像进行主成分分析,提取其中的主要信息-Hyperspectral images of the principal component analysis, extracting one of the main information
- Graphics Mill 2.0 is an image processing ActiveX component which was evolved from Aurigma s popular product Graphics Processor. Thorough analysis of thousands of Graphics Processor customer s feedback and similar imaging components of another vendors
- 基于pca主成分分析实现人脸识别功能,是人脸识别中比较经典的算法之一,取得很好的效果-Pca principal component analysis based on the realization of face recognition function, is face recognition algorithm to compare the classical one, and achieved good results
- principal component analysis in one dimension
- 这是对一维信号进行五层小波分解,然后分别把不同层数的细节分量和近似分量重组这个信号。这样有除噪和最大程度提取信号能量的效果。-This is a five-story one-dimensional wavelet decomposition of signals, and then the details of each component of different layers and approximate quantity of restructuring the signal. In
- myhalftone函数可以实现图像半色调功能-The function myhalftone takes the Y component and generate a “continuous‐ one gray‐scale” binary image by selecting a good halftoning method and appropriate parameters.
- 播放报告avi.mpg.wav.mid等视频格式的任意文件。 同时有暂停、停止功能供你选择。-PlayDMO allows you to open any media file, view its video component (if present), and apply any number of DMO audio effects to its audio component. Select a media file by typing its name in the
- 主成成份分析( PCA) 方法是人脸识别技术中常用的一种一维特征抽取方法。传统PCA 方法用于人脸识别常常面临图像维数高,直接计算量的问题。为了解决这2 个问题,人们对PCA 进行了改进,提出并实现了多种基于PCA 的人脸识别。对3 种基于PCA 的人脸识别方法做了理论上的研究和实验上的性能比较。实验结果表明PCA + 2DPCA 是其中综合效果最好的一种方法。-Principal component analysis into (PCA) is a commonly used face rec
- :步态识别通过人体走路的姿势来识别人的身份。近年来,步态作为一种生物特征识别技术备受计算机视觉研究者的关注。对某个 人的一个步态序列利用动态 Viterbi 算法得到一个样本姿态序列,对其多个步态样本姿态序列的对应姿态取平均得到这个人的特征姿态序 列,对特征姿态采用主成分分析法和线性判别分析法处理特征空间,并用最近邻法进行识别。利用 CASIA 数据库对本文方法进行验证, 取得了较高的识别率,并对体形变化具有较强的鲁棒性-Human gait recognition is the p
- 这是一本关于应用于医疗图像处理的数字图像处理方面的书籍,网上搜索不易。-The influence and impact of digital images on modern society is tremendous, and image processing is now a critical component in science and technology. The rapid progress in computerized medical image reconstru
- One component of siffness matric -One component of siffness matric !!!
- Part of my program in which I m trying to do my best in C++ programming. Just looking aroung for PNG component. One is in your site. Please, let me download it.
- Image fusion is a process which combines the data from two or more source images from the same scene to generate one single image containing more precise details of the scene than any of the source images. Among many image fusion methods like ave
- 本资源是对刘仁义版《ArcGIS开发宝典—从入门到精通》书上示例源代码的实现,基于VS2008平台,编码实现了第二篇第5章地图控件、第6章地图浏览、第七章数据操作、第8章地图编辑(编辑地理特征和编辑整饰要素没有实现)、第九章地图分析示例。其中组件库的添加在stafx.h头文件中,需要根据自己安装ArcGIS路径进行更改。附上源数据。-This resource is a Ren-yi version " ArcGIS Development Collection- from entry
- 人脸检测与人脸识别 (1)人脸检测(Face Detection) 人脸检测(Face Detection)是指在输入图像中确定所有人脸(如果存在)的位置、大小、位姿的过程。人脸检测是自动人脸识别系统中的一个关键环节。 (2)人脸识别 人脸识别细分为两类,一类是回答我是谁的问题,即辨认(Identification),另一类是回答这个人是我吗?即确认(Verification)。显然,用于Identification模式的识别系统对算法的运算速度的要求要高于Ve