- 使用opengl图形函数实现了任意凸多边形的扫描转换算法。-use opengl graphics function to achieve an arbitrary convex polygon scan conversion algorithm.
- C code for \"Computational Geometry in C (Second Edition)\": Code function Chapter pointer directory ----------------------------------------------------- Triangulate Chapter 1, Code 1.14 /tri Convex Hull(2D) Chapter 3, Code 3.8 /graham Convex Hull(
- 网格化[tessellation]即把凹多边形,包含洞,岛的多边型,或者自交叉多边型划分为简单凸多边形的过程.OpenGL为了能快速渲染多边形,只能直接显示简单凸多边形[多边形中任意两点的连线上的所有点仍属于此多边形],对凹多边或者自交叉多边形渲染结果将不确定。在渲染复杂多边形时,常常需要将复杂多边形分解成容易渲染的简单多边形,OpenGL中的使用函数库中提供网格化的函数以通过多边型轮廓线生成简单多边形,从而渲染复杂多边形。 ,Grid [tessellation] that is conca
- 利用vc++实现的裁剪功能,可实现凹多边形、凸多边形的线裁剪-Using vc++ implementation of the clipping function can be realized concave polygon, convex polygon of the line cutting
- 关于图像最小凸包的一系列算法,该算法主要运用于OpenCV 中的MinAreaBox()函数中 用于确定图像的倾斜角度-With regard to image the smallest convex hull of a series of algorithm, which mainly used OpenCV in MinAreaBox () function is used to determine the image of the tilt angle of
- 基于模糊对比度的图像增强方法,大致过程仍然是先把图像从空间域映射到模糊域,在模糊域内通过定义一个局部对比度算子,然后通过对凸函数的加强来放大像素邻域的各像素之间的差异。 -Based on the fuzzy contrast image enhancement method, the general process is still the first images from space domain is mapped to the fuzzy field in fuzzy field
- 使用opencv的函数实现图形图像处理中的凸包缺陷的查找-Use opencv function of the convex hull of the graphics processing defects Find
- 实验3 简单多边形显示 实验目的:通过鼠标响应函数输入并显示多边形 基本内容: 通过鼠标依次输入n个顶点(n>=3),显示多边形。 建立多边形数据结构(保存顶点表、边信息,及其他信息) 用opengl显示多边形 拓展要求: 判断多边形的类型(自相交多边形,凹多边形,凸多边形) *若是凹多边形,则把多边形转换为多个凸多边形-Experiment 3 simple polygon display Purpose: response function by m
- 3.Shape Descr iptors Centroids (Center of Mass) 3.2 Statistical moments: Useful for describing the shape of boundary segments (or other curves) Suitable for describing the shape of convex deficiencies The histogram of the function (segment
- 本程序主要是用于求解目标函数的凸优化问题。-This procedure is mainly used to solve the objective function of the convex optimization problem.
- imadjust 调整图像亮度函数 J IMADJUST(I,[LOW_IN HIGH_IN],[LOW_OUT HIGH_OUT],GAMMA) GAMMA默认值为1(线性映射),GAMMA<1——曲线上凸,GAMMA>1——曲线下凹 图像I与图像f的类型一致,任何类型的图像[LOW_IN HIGH_IN],[LOW_OUT HIGH_OUT]取值均在0—1范围内(计算时函数自己转换)-adjust image brightness function ima
3d scattered data interpolation algorithm
- 一个程序的软件包,构建了一个一次连续可微凸的二元函数f ,对一组n严格凸的散乱数据点进行拟合(a Fortran-77 software package which constructs a continuously differentiable convex bivariate function F that interpolates a set of N strictly convex data points)