- A few years ago, I got an article named "Experimente zum Chaos" [translated.: "Experiments on Chaos"] from the the German version of the Scientific American. The article dates back to 1994, and introduces among others a simulation showing the chaotic
- Date ClassesDate class with the following capabilities: * Output the Date in multiple formats such as: o DDD/YYYY o MM/DD/YY o June 14, 1992 * Use overload constructors to create Date objects initialized with dates of the formats
- 读取显示医学图像信息:检查信息(病人年龄,检查日期等)以及图 像序列(横断面、矢状面和(或)冠状面)-Read medical image information display: Check the information (patient age, examination dates, etc.) and image sequences (cross-sectional, sagittal and (or) the coronal plane)
- 基于HOG+LBP+HIKSVM的行人检测算法matlab代码实现,里面包含了libsvm-mat-3.0-1软件包.-the algorithm implementation of pedestrian detection based on the dates+ LBP+ HIKSVM,it contains the libsvm-mat-3.0-1 package
- Its a dates program in php that you can use in your programs its like a calendar with colors and you can pick up the date that you want
- 设计一个日期类date,其中包含年、月、日等数据成员。要求实现日期的基本运算,如一日期加上天数、或减去天数后的日期,两个日期之间相差的天数。-Design a date class date, which includes members of the year, month, date, and other data. Required to achieve that the date of the basic operations, such as date plus the number