- This is a demo of a bitmap font that uses OpenGL and is written in C++. It requires the gd library from boutell.com. There s a demo at http://www.coolgroups.com/font/. -This is a demo of a bitmap font that uses OpenGL and is written in C++. It requ
- This a Transparent PNG texture loader for OpenGL. It requires the gd library at boutell.com. There s a demo at http://www.coolgroups.com/alpha/. -This a Transparent PNG texture loader for OpenGL. It requires the gd library at boutell.com. There s
- This program demonstrates a 3d sky by placing the viewer inside a texture-mapped cube. There s a demo at http://www.coolgroups.com/skycube/. -This program demonstrates a 3d sky by placing the viewer inside a texture-mapped cube. There s a demo at h
- 1. 做一个集成的图形界面的程序,可调用每一次作业子程序。 2. 调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法及正负法画圆和抛物线。 3. 交互式的二维直线求交:如果存在交点,用实心圆显示交点,并用文字显示其坐标。 4. 用动画实现二维图形变换的各种算法,实现对指定形体的平移、旋转和缩放。(包括自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。) 5. 线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。(两种线段裁剪算法和H-S多边形逐边裁剪算法)多边形裁剪算法的动画演示要求先画出一个封闭的
- Teapot teapotdemo A demo that uses the famous Newell teapot to demonstrate MATLAB graphics features. The teapot is defined by 32 bicubic bezier patches. The patches can be tesselated to surfaces at a wide range of resolutions. The resulting surfac
- This the sample application that accompanies the May 99 Game Developer magazine. It is meant as a demonstration of a method for 3D cloth simulation in OpenGL. Cloth simulation is a very complex process. This column and demo just scratches
- 自李菲菲提出bag of words 这个想法以来,借助于该思路的各种算法层出不穷,也表现非常不错的性能。该文件是在其人的tutorial上提供的一个Demo,有非常详细的注释,希望能给大家带来帮助,Since the LI Fei-made bag of words this idea since the idea of the various algorithms by means of an endless stream, but also doing a very good perfor
- osg的MFC多文档界面程序,双窗口显示,包括主视角和俯视角-OSG s MFC Multiple Document Interface program, double-window display, including perspective and overlooking the main angle
- 第七天堂,全球demo大赛第二名的作品,绝对经典!-7th heaven, the world' s second demo competition works, absolutely classic!
- opencv和MFC结合编制的两个图像处理界面,直接打开导入图像,便可以得到多钟处理效果,边缘检测,图像变换等。-opencv and the MFC union establishment s two imagery processing contact surface, opens directly inducts the image, then may obtain the multi-clock processing effect, the marginal check, the pic
- Color Segmentation This demo tracks a person s face and hand using a color-based segmentation method.
- S-Demo2.0 很经典的屏幕录像的软件 -S-Demo2.0 classic screen video software
- LPR車牌辨識軟體,是由VISL實驗室開發的demo source code,可以直接在Matlab環境下執行(demo),程式主要使用類神經網路演算法(Neural Network)-License Plate Recognition-- Matlab source code, it s from VISL please visit website: http://visl.technion.ac.il/ for more information
- 野比的状态波形图控件与演示。实现的效果类似Windows任务管理器CPU使用率波形图和迅雷下载悬浮窗进度图。-Nobi s StatusChart demo & source code.
- python的openGl示例模塊,能通過學習opengL來讀取模塊的內容-It is decoded by python s model.
- 基于论文《自适应模糊文件图像的二值化》 作者:B.Gatos I.Pratikakis S.J.Perantonis的二值化代码。对光照不匀、形变等低质量图片的二值化效果非常非常好。-The paper based on the adaptive fuzzy document image binarization" Author: B.G atos I.P ratikakis S.J.P erantonis binary code. To uneven illumination, def
- 图形验证码识别引擎源码 本程序能识别网络90 以上的论坛验证码和一些简单的网站验证码,从图片中正确识别出数字和字母。-The graphical verification code recognition engine source code of the program can identify more than 90 of the network' s Forum verification code and some simple website verification co
- 利用摄像头,能够完整的对人脸进行识别,可以用作家中的监控或者安防-Using the camera, can complete the identification of people s faces, you can use the monitor or security writer
- opengl加载obj的一些demo,有助于新手学习(OpenGL loads some of demo's obj, which helps novices learn)
- 鼠标移动/输入推荐。 鼠标行为是: *环顾四周 - > Hold-Move左键 瞄准并环顾四周。 - > Hold-Move鼠标右键 *增加/减少射击威力(瞄准时) - > Hold-Move向前/向后鼠标右键 *拍摄 - >释放鼠标右键 *放大/缩小 - > Hold-Move向前/向后鼠标中键 主要输入如下: * Rotate-left: a或keypadleft。 * Rotate-right: d或keypadright。 *放