总变分(TV) 图像复原模型的C语言源码. 使用C语言与Matlab 混合编程. 主要计算由C语言完成. 图像的读, 输出由Matlab实现. 包含梯度下降流法, Chambolle对偶法, 交替半二次型算法
固定点线性迭代算法等.-Total Variation (TV) image restoration model of C language source code. Using the C language and Matlab mixed programming. Mainly c
hough 变换实现直线检测
在噪声服从高斯分布的背景中构造信噪比为2、长度为34像素的目标线段;在找出线段所在直线后,在采用固定长线段滑动的方法,确定线段的起始点,最终确定线段的确切位置。-hough transform line detection
in the noise to obey Gaussian distribution of the background-noise ratio for the structure 2, with a length of 34 pix
fast fixed-point algorithm -The FastICA package is a free (GPL) MATLAB program that implements the fast fixed-point algorithm for independent component analysis and projection pursuit. It features an easy-to-use graphical user interface, and a comput
Lab2RGB takes L, a, and b double matrices, or an M x N x 3 double
image, and returns an image in the RGB color space. Values for L are in
the range [0,100] while a* and b* are roughly in the range [-110,110].
If 3 outputs are specified, the
Image denoising matlab language development of the fixed point iteration method, an algorithm based on partial differential equation-Image denoising matlab language development of the fixed point iteration method, an algorithm based on partial differ
matlab语言开发的图像去噪的固定点迭代法, 基于偏微分方程的一个算法,,(Image denoising matlab language development of the fixed point iteration method, an algorithm based on partial differential equation,,)