- HU不变矩程序代码很多,但是没找到一个完整准确的代码。本人对其中的某些代码修正后,和matlab计算结果进行比较,结果是一致的。本程序没有利用Opencv计算Hu矩的函数,好像opencv计算的M03和M30应该对调,否则,和matlab计算不一样!对旋转、缩放的图像进行测试,HU矩也是一样的,不信可以利用提供的图片对比一下。由于HU矩比较小,程序对HU矩取对数便于查看比较。总之,程序绝对安全可靠,可直接调用。,HU moment invariants code a lot, but could
- 把一个256*256的图像分成8*8小块,然后进行DFT变换,分别比较在空间域和频域内对图像进行二次抽样和差值最后得出的图像比较-1. Get a grey level image which size is N*N. (For example, 256*256, however, N = ), and partition to 8*8 sub images. 2. Apply DFT to these sub images, and get the fourier transfo
- 边缘检测1.制作一张包括色块、线条的单色背景图片,先对其作低通滤波产生一幅色块和线条边缘模糊的降质图片待处理,采用任意二种边缘检测算法检测待处理图片中的色块和线条的边缘,得到二值化的处理结果图。从结果图中提取色块和线条的边界坐标值,与实际生成原始图像时采用的真实坐标数据作比较,对产生的检测误差作分析。2.拍摄一张包含待检测物体的黑白或者彩色照片,试采用一种边缘检测的算法做待检测物体的自动提取,对生成的结果作分析。-Edge Detection 1. To produce a including
- 比较各种图像融合算法的论文。Evaluation of various image fusion techniques and imaging scales for forest features interpretation-Image fusion algorithm to compare papers. Evaluation of various image fusiontechniques and imaging scales forforest features interpr
- 小波变换源码,国外VC开发的,效果比较好 I ve been involved with wavelet-analysis since my Ph.D studies and over the years developed various wavelet-transforms C++ libraries. This one concerns 2D implementation of the Fast wavelet transform (FWT). The 2D FWT is used i
- 数字图像的边缘检测 本科毕业设计(边缘检测是数字图像处理中的重要内容。本文首先对图像的边缘检测的各种算法和算子做了总结和分析。Canny最早提出了边缘检测的三条连续准则:最优检测结果、最优定位和低重复响应,并在这些准则的基础上得到了“最优线性滤波器”―高斯函数的一阶导数。经过十几年的发展,目前已经有了对这个准则的很多改进,本文也对这个方面的工作做了小结。Demigny在理论分析和实践的基础上给出了边缘检测的离散准则,并且证明在离散准则中Canny提出的第三个准则可以被阀值操作所取代。本文利用
- 影像特征提取是影像匹配和三维信息提取的基础,是影像分析与单像处理技术领域中最重要的任务之一。有效的特 征提取算法是影像分析与处理的关键。从点特征定义出发,叙述了两种常用的点特征提取算子———Moravec算子和Forstner 算子的原理,利用Moravec算子和Forstner算子可以实现影像点特征的提取,并从提取点特征的准确度、提取速度对两种算子 进行比较,最后得出了有益的结论。-Image feature extraction and image matching are th
- Activity recognition program using Motion History Image s 7 Hu moments. The program compare the Mahalanobis distance of the Hu moments of the video input with the reference and find out the activities.
- it is a image processing project which can find special and certain object with certain shapes in the images. it obtain the P and S for each object and compare P/S ratio to template image and object. Sobel use for P and finding edges and Labeling a
- 快速简单和跨平台的BMP图相比较工具,以EasyBMP库为基础 -Fast, Simple, and Cross-Platform BMP Image File Comparison Tools written on top of the EasyBMP library.
- 对比BP,OMP,StOMP对自然图像的重构效果,输入图像是一幅256*256的lena图像,我们使用压缩采样后,再用上述三种方法对其进行重构,比较其结果,其中StOMP方法是用不同的阈值-Contrast to BP, OMP, StOMP effect on the reconstruction of natural images, input image is a 256* 256 lena image, we use the compressed sampled, and then re
- 计算灰度图像滤波后结果图像的SNR值,MAE,和NCD值 -calculated SNR, MAE and NCD of filtered image compare with orginal image
- 将一幅256*256的图像分成8*8的小块,对其进行DFT变换。分别比较在空间域和频域内对源图像进行二次抽样和差值最后比较不同-1. Get a grey level image which size is N*N. (For example, 256*256, however, N = ), and partition to 8*8 sub images. 2. Apply DFT to these sub images, and get the fourier transfor
- 置乱变换后图像的lsb嵌入,以及提取程序,另外还包含psnr程序,可以与本人上传的dct频域嵌入进行对比-Image scrambling transformation lsb embedding, as well as the extraction procedure, also includes psnr program, can I upload dct compare the frequency domain embedding
- 修改后的计算Hu归一化中心距的代码,与matlab程序计算结果一致,并附带测试对比图片,通过对放大前后两张图像的Hu计算,发现结果是一样的,证明了Hu矩在图像尺寸变化时保持不变,旋转、平移情况自己做吧-The revised calculation of Hu normalized center distance of the code results are consistent with the matlab program to calculate and compare with tes
- 本程序将传递进来的电表图像进行对比,用来识别电表图像中的数字。-The programe is designed to compare the meter image to the preseved image, which is used to recognize the number in the image.
- 通过使用IHS变换以及加权方法实现图像的融合 并相应比较各种方法下图像的效果-Through the use of IHS transform and the weighted method of image fusion and appropriate under the various methods compare the effect of image
- 数字图像处理算法,邻域平均和中值滤波的比较,VC/MFC实现。-Digital image processing algorithms, neighborhood average and median filtering comparison, VC/MFC implementation.
- 为了提高算法的执行效率, 应用粒子群算法求取图像中任意两点间最短路径来定位目标边界, 并与经典的基于Dijkstra 动态规划图搜索的Liv e Wire 算法进行比较.-In order to improve the efficiency of the algorithm, particle swarm algorithm to strike any of images to locate the shortest path between two object boundaries, and
- For a 24-bit color image (Lena.bmp), statistics all used colors in this image, design the median-cut algorithm to generate a lookup table. And convert the 24-color image to 8-bit index image, compare the difference between them.