- 《168相册系统3.0Beta版》 1、上传所有文件到空间 2、如果服务器不是windows,请修改php168/,upload_files/,admin/bak/,admin/group/目录下所有文件属性为0777 3、运行install.php文件 4、手工删除install.php,install/ 5、后台管理地址admin/index.php 帐号密码都是mmcbbs 6、前台测试帐号密码都是mmcbbs-"16
- 集植被指数提取,地表温度提取,还有积雪面积提取为一体的一段代码,不知道对大家有没有作用。-Set vegetation index extraction, extraction of surface temperature, snow cover area are extracted as one piece of code, do not know all of us have no effect.
- SSIM Index, Version 1.0 Copyright(c) 2003 Zhou Wang All Rights Reserved. The author was with Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Laboratory for Computational Vision at Center for Neural Science and Courant Institute of Mathematical Scie
- 可以选择一个文件夹,把所有子文件夹中(子文件夹只能有一层,如果超出无法处理)的图片生成一系列网页(在各自的文件夹中) 然后在根文件夹下生成一个索引文件.有各种特效(包括图片的用中键无极缩放,双击自动浏览等).索引文件由各子文件夹中的第一张图片的缩略图组成.-Can select a folder and all sub-folders (sub-folders can have only one tier, if the excess can not be processed) image
- For a 24-bit color image (Lena.bmp), statistics all used colors in this image, design the median-cut algorithm to generate a lookup table. And convert the 24-color image to 8-bit index image, compare the difference between them.
- Image comparison in a database based in grayscale histogram and using lloyd algorithm. (algo1 index image, algo2 compute the distance betwen two images, algo3 and algo4 make up all togheter)
- 首先,我们将看看如何使用ConditionalRemoval滤波器,它可以一次删除满足对输入的点云设定的一个或多个条件指标的所有数据点。然后我们将学习如何使用RadiusOutlierRemoval滤波器,它可以删除在输入的点云一定范围内没有至少达到足够多近邻的所有数据点。-First, we ll look at how to use ConditionalRemoval filter, it can delete all of the data points to meet a set of
- 在Corel 5k数据库中,首先提取训练集和测试集中所有图像的直方图信息(AllHist.m),然后利用直方图相交法检索图像(ColorIndex.m)。-Firstly, read all images, and get their hists, then retrieve image by color index.
- 给定一幅单波段影像imgData.txt(ASCII格式),实现对图像的处理和显示。 已知条件: (1)clrTbl.txt文件是一个颜色查找表,大小是256X3,即可表示256中RGB的颜色。 (2)ImgData.txt文件中是图像的数据,每个值代表一个像素的颜色索引号,通过索引号到颜色查找表(clrTbl.txt文件)中找到相应的RGB颜色值。 (3)中值滤波:一种非线性平滑技术,它将每一像素点的灰度值设置为该点某邻域窗口内(这里选择3X3)的所有像素点灰度值的中值。 (4)屏幕上显示像素