- A novel texture-based Automatic Fingerprint Authentication System (AFAS) is proposed. A fingerprint image is preprocessed to enhance the image by Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) analysis. Then, three sets of invariant moment features, as a kind o
- 大连市矢量地图数据,mapinfo格式,比例尺为1:10000,含水体,绿地,建筑,兴趣点,道路等几十个图层.,Vector map data in Dalian, mapinfo format for the 1:10000 scale, water-bearing body, green, construction, interest point, dozens of layers such as roads.
- vc实现的sift特征点提取。sift是图像领域最新提出的有效特征点算法之一,a detection method for SIFT interest point which is recently proposed in computer vision area
- 非常好用的利用Haar小波提取目标区域的方法,可用于人脸检测,兴趣区(ROI)提取,显著点检测等-Very useful to use Haar wavelet method of extracting the target region can be used for face detection, interest area (ROI) extraction, salient points detection
- 在3D空间选择感兴趣的空间点,以便后期处理,如seed 点。-Choice in the 3D space of the spatial point of interest in order to deal with the latter, such as seed points.
- 1. Support for OFF, PLY, GTS, OBJ file formats. 2. Perspective (one, two, three point perspective), axonometric and orthographic projections. 3. Ability to rotate, pan, zoom in/out and focus on a region of interest. 4. Ability to change backgro
- A novel texture-based Automatic Fingerprint Authentication System (AFAS) is proposed. A fingerprint image is preprocessed to enhance the image by Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) analysis. Then, three sets of invariant moment features, as a kind o
- In this paper, a novel scale- and rotation-invariant interest point detector and descr iptor, coined SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) is presented. It approximates or even outperforms previously proposed schemes with respect to repeatability, di
- GPU Accelerating Speeded-Up Robust Features. Many computer vision tasks require interest point detection and descr iption, such as real-time visual navigation. We present a GPU implementation of the recently proposed Speeded-Up Robust Feature extract
- Harris, Laplace, det(H), Ridge兴趣点检测,包括了laplace迭代过程-Harris, Laplace, det (H), Ridge interest point detection, including laplace iterative process
- Hessian interest point detector
- 整合了模式识别领域中几种经典的关于区域识别的文章,对于研究模式识别的同学,会有很大帮助-Integrated field of pattern recognition several classic articles on regional recognition, pattern recognition for research students, there will be a great help
- 兴趣点检测的matlab 源码,用于动作识别-Matlab source of interest point detection for motion recognition
- 一篇关于总结了行为识别各种资源的论文,涵盖了通常的数据集、兴趣点检测,特征提取的方法以及识别检测的算法-A paper that summarizes the various resources of behavior recognition, covering the normal data set, the interest point detection, feature extraction methods and the identification detection algorit
- 在行为识别中关于“space-time-interset-points” 感兴趣点的检测 里面包含各种兴趣点检测算法,需要在linux下运行。-In behavioral recognition on the " space-time-interset-points" ' point of interest detection' which contains a variety of interest point detection algorithm, you
- SIFT算法大致有四个步骤: 1,尺度空间极值检测。在尺度空间通过高斯微分函数来检测潜在的对于尺度和旋转不变的兴趣点。 2,关键点定位。在兴趣点位置上,确定关键点的位置和尺度。 3,方向确定。基于图像局部的梯度方向,给每个关键点分配方向。 4,关键点描述。在每个关键点的领域内测量图像局部的梯度。最终用一个特征向量来表达。 -SIFT算法大致有四个步骤: SIFT algorithm has four steps: 1,尺度空间极值检测。在尺度空间
- 生成全景图,图片拼接,使用兴趣点匹配方法-Generated panorama, image stitching, using interest point matching method
- 仿射不变Harris, Laplacian, det(Hessian) and Ridge 特征点检测 参考文献:An affine invariant interest point detector , K.Mikolajczyk and C.Schmid, ECCV 02, pp.I:128-142.-Matlab code for detecting Affine spatial interest points. Includes Harris, Laplacian, det(Hess
- 特征检测与匹配是Computer Vision 应用总重要的一部分,这需要寻找图像之间的特征建立对应关系。点,也就是图像中的特殊位置,是很常用的一类特征,点的局部特征也可以叫做“关键特征点”(keypoint feature),或“兴趣点”(interest point),或“角点”(conrner)。Harris角点检测-Feature detection and matching is an important part of the overall application of Compu
- interest point detection