- LPC美尔倒谱特征的C源程序 这是我根据赵力那本“语音信号处理”后面的源代码写的LPC美尔倒谱特征的C源代码, 基本上没做什么修改,需要的朋友就可以不用自己再录入了。 程序调试通过,可以直接用。 -LPC Cepstrum C source code is under Zhao The "speech signal processing," the source generation behind code written by LPC Cepstrum
- Matlab LPC (short for Lars Pensjö C) is an object-oriented programming language derived from and developed originally by Lars Pensjö to facilitate MUD building on LPMuds.Though designed for game development, its flexibility has led to it bein