- This toolbox implements the algorithm in a fairly general way in a C file that can be called from Matlab. It allows to perform the traditional NL-means for denoising (for both B&W and color images) but also to use an arbitrary set of patches to perfo
- Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE(S,A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces, S = dest<-src , or alte
- 基于L*a*b空间的色彩分割是根据图像中色彩空间不同的颜色来确定不同色彩所在的区域从而对图像进行划分。 这种基于色彩的图像分割方法简单而且易于理解,并且在实际应用中颜色通常具有很明显的区域特征,因此这种方法在实际应用中也有很广泛的用途-Based on L* a* b color space segmentation is based on the image color space to determine the different colors in different colors
- % function [L, a, b] = RGB2Lab(R, G, B) % RGB2Lab takes matrices corresponding to Red, Green, and Blue, and % transforms them into CIELab. This transform is based on ITU-R % Recommendation BT.709 using the D65 white point reference. % The e
- matlab图像分割的实例,包括基于L*a*b空间的彩色图像分割,检测汽车目标,分水岭分割等程序源代码-matlab examples of segmentation, including those based on L* a* b color space, image segmentation, target detection vehicles, watershed segmentation source code
- 基于L*a*b*空间的彩色图像分割Matlab程序-Based on L* a* b* color space, image segmentation Matlab program
- 美能达CR300是tristimulas比色计,颜色测量传输到计算机通过RS232C接口。这个MATLAB脚本读取CIE L* A * b *色空间值,并将其转换为RGB色彩空间使用图像处理工具箱。. -Minolta CR300 is a tristimulas colorimeter that transmits color measurements to a computer through an RS232C interface. This MATLAB scr ipt reads
- Lab2RGB takes L, a, and b double matrices, or an M x N x 3 double image, and returns an image in the RGB color space. Values for L are in the range [0,100] while a* and b* are roughly in the range [-110,110]. If 3 outputs are specified, the
- 这是一个车牌识别程序课程设计,包含完整的源代码和论文,使用matlab实现。通过对车牌图像的预处理,分割、模板比对,识别出车牌号码,效果不错。-试试带有自动翻译功能的新型浏览器。下载 Google Chrome 浏览器关闭翻译中文英语德语检测语言 英语中文(简体)日语 翻译文字或网页 这是一个车牌识别程序课程设计,包含完整的源代码和论文,使用matlab实现。通过对车牌图像的预处理,分割、模板比对,识别出车牌号码,效果不错。 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消