- PCL mini库一套小巧,易用的图像处理库,它的全部源代码由.h组成,因此您不需编译它,只需要在您的程序中包含 PCL_Mini_Header.h 即可使用。-PCL for a mini compact, easy-to-use image processing library, it's all the source code from. H composition, so you need to compile it. you only need to include the p
- PCL mini库一套小巧,易用的图像处理库,它的全部源代码由.h组成,因此您不需编译它,只需要在您的程序中包含 PCL_Mini_Header.h 即可使用。-the PCL a mini compact, easy-to-use image processing library, it's all the source code from. H composition, So you need not compile it, You only need to include the
- Water is a small mini project inspired by a post in my message forum. The post was talking about whether or not it would be possible to create a water effect by modifying the waving flag tutorial. I stripped the flag of it s texture, put stars in the
- 手头有图片要处理,但是机器上没有安装Photoshop?那就来试试“迷你版Photoshop” - Paint.NET吧。 Paint.NET是一款由美国华盛顿州大学开发,为微软官方支持的一个高级研究生设计项目,旨在为用户提供一个免费的强大的微软绘图板替代软件。不过随着Paint.NET项目的深入研发,Paint.NET的表现已经远远超于最初的目标,无论是从功能上还是效率上都已经达到了一款专业图形处理软件的水准。 -Pictures on hand to deal with, but n