- 有意思的屏幕画笔,基于VC++实现,编译运行后可在屏幕上写字,鼠标就成了画笔,目前功能比较单一,仅能画,不能改变笔刷粗细和颜色,而且程序貌似还有些问题:运行后任务栏不见,开始菜单也找不见,重启了电脑才回来,晕倒,请大家小心测试啊! -Interestingly, brush screen, based on VC++ implementation, compile and run the writing on the screen after the mouse has become the
- 鼠标当摄像头,有源代码和安装包,图片呈黑白色,像素不高。-Use your optical mouse as a camera! Very easy to use, and code is quite simple. Provides greyscale, lowquality, out of focus images, but it s lots of fun. Send it to a friend! Please do not look directly into your mouse