- Using DirectShow to Play a Movie from Visual Basic:use Visual Basic as a movie player.we have built (in C++) an ActiveX control for Visual Basic that allows us to play any movie file (compatible with DirectShow). The ActiveX object also provides the
- Play3D is a program to play 3D video files using full-screen quad-buffer OpenGL stereo, or red/blue glasses (anaglyph mode). It should play any format that is supported through DirectShow with an appropriate codec. This includes AVI as well as
- play a text-base moive inside a text file-a text-base movie player- play a frame by frame movie in a text file
- 使用 movie 指令來播放電影,並可指定播放的重複次數及每秒播放的畫面數目-Using the movie command to play movies, and can specify the number of repeat play and the number of images per second
- 神手遙控 HandRemoteControl v1.4 增加手掌五指輕晃,為KMPlayer播放/暫停指令。 讓你作簡報、看電影免用遙控器, 使用環境: 需搭配PC-Camera 請在亮度足夠環境 使用者距離Camera約2~5公尺,正面對Camera 使用方式: -執行本程式 -使用Power Point簡報時, 以手指均勻連續畫順時針可到下一張,逆時針可到上一張 -使用KMPlayer觀看電影時,以順時針可以快轉,逆時針可以倒轉 需安裝OpenCV -Hand of God