- In C#, there is a default ColorMap class, defined in the System.Drawing.Imaging namespace. This class defines a mapping between existing colors and the new colors to which they are to be converted. When the map is applied, any pixel of the old color
- An easy way to use svm in c++, here I build several classes in namespace XCUBIC, make it easy to combine your data in to matrix for svm use.-An easy way to use svm in c++, here I build several classes in namespace XCUBIC, make it easy to combine yo
- 地理信息分析代码,功能强大,比较齐全,是一个非常好的参考资料-The AForge.Imaging namespace contains interfaces and classes for different image processing routines, which are done on complex Fourier transformed images.
- The QSsl namespace declares enums common to all SSL classes in QtNetwork for Embedded Linux.
- C# 把指定控件显示在最上面,通过设置一个ArrayList队列来实现。别忘了添加system..Collections命名空间-C# to specify the controls appear at the top, by setting an ArrayList queue to achieve. Do not forget to add the system .. Collections namespace
- The QtConcurrent namespace provides high-level APIs that make it possible to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives for Linux.
- The QTest namespace contains all the functions and declarations that are related to the QTestLib tool for Linux. -The QTest namespace contains all the functions and declarations that are related to the QTestLib tool for Linux.
- 利用c#和Direct绘制图形,换命名空间名字就可用。-Using c# and Direct rendering graphics, but the user should the namespace name.
- Testing Element.setAttributeNodeNS: If an attribute with that local name and that namespace URI is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one.
- 定义类模板SortedSet,即元素有序的集合,集合元素的类型和集合元素的最大个数可由使用者确定。要求该类模板对外提供以下三种操作:insert:加入一个新的元素到合适的位置上,并保证集合元素的值不重复;get:返回比给定值大的最小元素的地址。若不存在,返回0;del:删除与给定值相等的那个元素,并保持剩余元素的有序性。-#include < iostream> using namespace std template < class type> class setlist
C# OpenGL例子源码
- opengl作为API,主要用于C++,C#中定义了一个CSGL的类,功能和OPENGL定义的函数差不多,现在网上关于C# OPENGL编程的源码比较少,本代码编写了最简单的功能,作为一个应用框架,适合初学者学习,在此基础上扩张新功能。(The realization of UDP protocol with VisualC, the most commonly used, but also the key is UdpClient, UdpClient is located in the na