- 用在提高语音识别率的特征提取算法的程序,DZCPA是差分过领率和峰值检测的意思-spent on improving speech recognition rate of feature extraction algorithm procedures, DZCPA difference is the leading off and peak detection means
- 阈值分割和轮廓提取,迭代阀值,峰谷阈值分割,半阈值分割,轮廓提取,边界跟踪-threshold segmentation and contour extraction, iterative threshold, the peak threshold segmentation, semi-threshold segmentation, contour extraction, tracking border
- 整个数字水印的程序。包括峰值信躁比的计算,各种攻击后的水印提取等等。-entire digital watermarking process. Including peak impatient than the letter, after the attacks watermark extraction, and so on.
- 好用地 matlab版本地 用hough变换进行直线提取地程序,提取最长地直线,以后会改进,可以提取累计矩阵中,局部峰值点地直线!-good land use Matlab version hough transform line extraction procedures. to extract the longest line, it will improve, can extract accumulated matrix, partial to the peak point straigh
- 基于灰度图的阴影消除,通过对水平方向的投影图的峰值,提取前景(投影值与峰值比小于阈值时认为是阴影)-Based on the grayscale of the shadow of the elimination of the horizontal direction of the projection of the peak, the prospects for extraction (projection value and the peak is less than the threshol
- 图像处理-地理地形处理-山顶点提取算法 (实验室做的代码,请勿用于商业行为)可从高程数据模型中提取出尖山顶点和圆山顶点,计算机应用相关专业和遥感专业会用到 数据源文件为DTM格式-Image processing- processing of geographical terrain- the Peak Point Extraction Algorithm (laboratory code, do not for commercial activities) can be extract
- 对子图像进行局部直方图计算,由最大方差比例阈 值确定方法计算出子图像的最佳阈值。根据局部直方图中波峰数决定是否增强子图像中被最佳 阈值划分出的低灰度区域和高灰度区的对比度。然后对已经选择性对比增强的图像进行边缘检 测。实验证明图像的区域层次更清楚,提取的边缘细节也更丰富。自适应算法则最大限度地突 出了边缘而同时保持了图像中相近灰度级的平滑性和连续性。-Image pairs local histogram calculation by the maximum variance r
- 3 图像基本处理操作(图像显示、读写、像素统计处理、图像文件I/O等) 4 图像质量的客观评价(峰值信噪比PSNR及其应用) 5 图像的代数运算(绝对值差函数imabsdiff,叠加函数imadd,图像的旋转imrotate) 6 视频处理(创建AVI视频) 7 图像增强(直方图、直方图均化、均值滤波、中值滤波) 8 图像形态学分析(膨胀、腐蚀、开、闭运算、轮廓提取) -3 basic image processing operations (image display,
- Future line prediction, error analysis, Including compression ratio, image restoration computing uptime and peak signal to noise ratio, Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample, and the final recognition.