- opengl读取3d max模型 绘制实现,第一人称模拟 漫游。-Read opengl draw 3d max model to achieve, first-person analog roaming.
- In this paper, we present a comparison of four novel algorithms that have been applied to the tracking of people in an indoor scenario. Tracking is carried out in 3D or 2D (ground plane) to provide position information for a variety of survei
- 我实现了opengl下的3d漫游功能,打开运行之后可以看到一个贴有纹理的立方体和一个自转的地球模型,可以用键盘和鼠标控制视角的方向,第一人称漫游,功能,请在vs2015的环境下打开,需要提前配置好glut库(I realized 3D roaming OpenGL, opened after the operation can see the earth model with a texture and a rotation of the cube, you can use the keyboa