- Parallel Port Control Made Easy - parashell allows control of a PC parallel port (input and output) with simple command line arguments. The simplicity of these programs make it very easy to use in scr ipts. Control stepper motors, Relays, LEDs, etc..
- D2X-XL is an OpenGL port of the classic 3D Shooter game Descent 2 for Win32, Linux and Mac OS X, containing many enhancements and bug fixes while preserving full backwards compatibility.
- .NET TWAIN image scanner-Abstract In Windows imaging applications, the most used API for scanning is TWAIN www.twain.org. Unfortunately, the new .NET Framework has no built-in support for TWAIN. So we have to work with the interop methods of .NET t
- 创建一个OpenGL窗口: 在这个教程里,我将教你在Windows环境中创建OpenGL程序.它将显示一个空的OpenGL窗口,可以在窗口和全屏模式下切换,按ESC退出.它是我们以后应用程序的框架.-Port of the NeHe OpenGL Tutorial (Lesson 1) to Java using the Jogl interface to OpenGL.
- Logisim四位排序器 先使用1位的swap搭建4位的swap,再使用4位的swap模块和Logisim内置的comparator元件搭建排序电路(请不要使用Plexers类元件) 功能描述:该电路具有4个4位的二进制数字作为输入和4个4位的二进制数字作为输出。它的功能是,将4个输入的二进制数字进行排序,从上往下数第一个输出端口输出的是4个数字中最小的,第二个输出端口输出的是第二小的,以此类推。 输入: A,B,C,D(4bit) 输出: #1,#2,#3,#4(4bit)(#1对