- 这是理解隐函数 如f(x,y,z)=0,作图的算法的一个最基本的程序, key: 1. q or w 绕x轴旋转 2. a or s 绕y轴旋转 3. z or x 绕z轴旋转-This the understanding implicit function f (x, y, z) = 0, the mapping algorithm of a basic procedure key : 1. w q or x-axis rotation around t
- 在VC++环境下实现打开、显示一幅纸牌图。将提供的几幅图片中的纸牌进行分类和识别,功能:a、判断出是哪种类型(共四类:红桃,梅花、黑桃、方块);b、检测出点数(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K);c:将上述检测的结果通过窗口输出。-In VC++ environment to achieve open, showing a card map. Will provide the pieces of the picture cards for sorting and identi
- 设P(m,n)是初始控制点列,即原曲面的点(m行n列)。Q(m,n)是一次细分后得到的曲面的控制节点。 此函数采用Catmull-Clark细分曲面算法,对双三次B样条曲面细分,即m=n=4。 利用我们在13章第四节学过的知识,有公式MQM =SMPM S ,其中M,S可由课件知 构造初始控制点列(p1,p2),其中p1是P的行坐标,p2是P的列坐标 -Let P (m, n) is the initial control point of the column, i.e. th
- 功能为视角变化,漫游以及自动镜头。控制为键盘控制,q,w,e,a,s,d,p,等功能键-Function as the viewing angle changes, roaming and automatic lens. Control for keyboard control, q, W, E, A, S, D, p, and other function keys
- 灰度图像的量化和直方图均衡化直接调用函数。量化是指将像素灰度转换成离散的整数值的过程。量化等级越多,所得图像层次越丰富,灰度分辨率高,图像质量好,但数据量大。-Write MATLAB functions to quantize grayscale image with given quantization step Q. Process the given test images “Lena” with quantization steps Q=2, 4, 8 16, 32, 64, 1
- This function requires the input of a 2D matrix containing intensity values (double) corresponding to the x-ray scattering image (‘imagemat’). It returns I(q) vs. q in matrix ‘IvsQ’. It loads the experimental parameters saved in A.1. Start and
- A.2 Open Image Files This function looks for x-ray images (.tif) in directory ‘dname’ and creates a movie of I(q) versus q and saves the corresponding 3D matrix. ‘TempA’ and ‘TempB’ are the slope and y-intercept of the ramp temperature profi
- 计盒分形维数计算的matlab源代码编程实现过程-Function [Fdgen NoisfreFD ]=fractaldim(y,Q,M) __________________________________________________________________________ Usage: Computes fractal dimension by box counting(BC) method. NOTE: Running the code may ta
- 函数paddedsize可计算P和Q的最小偶数值,PQ则是避免折叠误差的串扰所采用的补零方法。 函数dftfilt是用于频率域滤波的M函数 在house中进行空域滤波与频域滤波的比较 函数dftuv创建用于实现频率域滤波器的网格数组 在number中进行低通滤波 还可基于lpfilter生成高通滤波器。 函数D=hypot(U,V)<=>D=sqrt(U.^2+V.^2)替代 函数f=tofloat(f)<=>f=im2double(f)替代-